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Re: Use your car loan to buy furniture for schools - Charles Owusu replies Dr. Apaak

Rosewoodghana News The MP for Builsa South had called for seized rosewood to be used for furniture

Fri, 6 Aug 2021 Source: Samari Samson Eliasu

In response to the Hon. MP for Builsa South call for seized rosewood to be used to make furniture for schools, especially schools within the source areas of the rosewood, one Charles Owusu, a former head of the Monitoring Unit of the Forest Commission is asking the venerable MP to use his MP car loan to buy furniture for schools in a publication by peacefmonline.com.

In the first place, the ignorance of the maker of the statement is not worth the attention of the outspoken Member of Parliament.

It is either out of ignorance or sheer mischief to ask the MP to use his car loan to buy furniture when in fact, the loan is specifically dedicated to purchasing a vehicle and not for any other purpose.

Perhaps, he is oblivious to the suit against Hon. Mahama Ayariga who used his car loan to purchase an ambulance for his constituency.

Besides, it is the responsibility of central government to ensure effective teaching and learning, so, if government has impounded rosewood, what is wrong as a representative of a people to ask for the impounded rosewood to be used to solve a pressing educational challenge like furniture?

Perhaps, Mr. Owusu needs education on the role of an MP. As my MP, I would have been disappointed if he had kept quiet over this blatant misuse of the impounded rosewood some of which was harvested from Balsa South.

Be that as it may, the Member of Parliament has never reneged on his responsibilities to his people. In fact, as a constituent myself, I have seen the Hon MP go the extra mile to solicit support for his dear constituents.

It is therefore not within the remit of Mr. Charles Owusu to tell the MP what to do. From all indications, his outburst is due to lack of a superior argument to that of the MP’s on the best use for the impounded rosewoods.

Even the God for whom the president says he wants to build the cathedral for helps those who help themselves. He is a God of proper planning and understands prioritization.

That explains why he created the world in an orderly manner but not haphazardly. It is sad that a president made in the image of this orderly God who prioritizes everything he does go on this tangent.

As a constituent of Hon. Clement Apaak, I am very proud of his advocacy and his call to use the impounded rosewood to make furniture is in the right direction. The president should heed the clarion call of the MP and do the needful.

Columnist: Samari Samson Eliasu