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Feed-a-Kayayo ends

Kayayo   Head Porters File photo

Wed, 15 Apr 2020 Source: Senyo Hosi

The Ghana COVID-19 Private Sector Fund (The GCPSFund) on the 1st of April 2020 commenced its Feed-A-Kayayo Project designed to provide a meal a day for head-porters popularly known as Kayayei and other underprivileged persons during the period of ‘Lockdown’.

In line with the mission of the Fund, the project was a prompt intervention to help alleviate the socio-economic challenges faced by these persons – our compatriots, sisters, brothers and children.

The project attracted many volunteers and corporate executives as well as politicians from across the political divide who joined hands to support the initiative by serving hot meals to the underprivileged. In addition to hot meals, the beneficiaries were educated on COVID-19 and preventive measures to be taken against the disease. KPMG were the Project Administrators with a mandate to ensure optimal accountability and impact realisation.

Lives were touched and humanity reigned as the project served about 140,000 packs of hot meals to the underprivileged in Accra and Kumasi over 12 days under the mantra “We are in this together” and “we shall survive together”.

With the roll-out of the feeding programme by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, the Trustees of the Ghana COVID-19 Private Sector Fund have decided to end the ‘Feed-a-kayayo’ project effective 13th April 2020. The Fund will now focus its efforts on three main projects/initiatives:

1. Feed-the-Frontline (providing meals for our hardworking health professional),

2. Protect and Resource the Frontline (delivering much-needed personal protective equipment to hospitals treating and caring for COVID-19 patients)

3. The construction of a 100-bed isolation and treatment facility at the Ga East Hospital which serves as the National COVID-19 Treatment Centre.

We are grateful to Government, represented by Hon. Henry Quartey and Sammy Awuku, for the support given. We are also immensely grateful to the Volunteers, Caterers and the Ghana Police for risking their health to serve the larger populace on this project. We recognise the leadership shown by Julie Essiam, Trustee of the Fund, in managing and making this project possible

To our donors, this has only been possible because you turned up for Ghana. You are the reason why many kept smiles and held hope over the past 12 days. We urge all to continue to support the Ghana COVID-19 Private Sector Fund to provide a prompt response in the fight against COVID-19.

God bless our homeland Ghana.


Senyo K. Hosi

Source: Senyo Hosi
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