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30 million cedis for 4 Days Work?

Thu, 12 Jul 2001 Source: GNA

The NDC members of Parliament from the Central Region called on the government to investigate how 30 million cedis was spent on the Acting Executive Secretary of the Central Regional Development Commission (CEDECOM).

Mr Samuel Adu Yeboah, NDC Agona East, speaking on behalf of the region's NDC caucus in Parliament told the press that the money was spent when the Acting Executive Secretary was auditing the Commission.

He said there was rot at the Commission and there was, therefore the need to save it from collapse to enable it achieve the purposes for which it was established.

Mr Adu Yeboah said the appointment of one Mr David Forster-Forson, who was paid the amount for auditing the accounts of CEDECOM for four days work during an Easter public holiday this year, raises a lot of eyebrows.

"The audit was hastily done on Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday at the residence of the Regional Minister, Mr Isaac Edumadze."

Mr Adu Yeboah accused the Central Regional Minister of dissolving the former board, establishing an interim management committee and later dissolving the committee and appointing an acting executive secretary to run it.

The Auditor, whose qualification, he said, was doubtful, was freely accommodated and fed during the period of the auditing.

Showing documents and receipts on the mode of payment Mr Adu Yeboah said the auditing covered January 1, 1999 to March 31, this year.

"Mr Foster-Forson, who did the auditing of CEDECOM and was duly paid-off was under strange circumstances appointed as the Acting Executive Secretary without reference to laid down procedures".

Mr Adu Yeboah said the Regional Minister "flagrantly interfered in the day to day operations of CEDECOM contrary to the laid down rules of the Commission, by dismissing some management staff and using the Police to forcefully eject them from office.

"This puts CEDECOM in danger of losing the confidence of the private sector and the support of donor agencies who perceive it as an independent institution".

Mrs Hanna Tetteh Kpodar, MP for Awutu-Senya, supporting her colleague said CEDECOM was an independent body, which has its own administrative set up with the Regional Minister having oversight responsibility only.

She said any discretional exercise of authority over the organisation should conform to laid-down procedures.

Mr Edumadze in reaction to the allegations told the Ghana News Agency that Mr Foster-Forson was paid 24 million cedis for auditing the accounts of CEDECOM and not 30 million cedis as claimed by Mr Adu Yeboah.

He said the amount was arrived at after the Interim Management Committee, (IMC) headed by Mr Osam Duodu (not the Coach) bargained with Mr Foster-Forson, adding that the mode of payment was determined by the IMC.

Mr Edumadze explained that CEDECOM was the technical wing of the Regional Co-ordinating Council (RCC) and the Regional Minister was the automatic Chairman of its Board.

He said when he assumed office he discovered that the organisation was not being run properly so he initiated measures to remedy the situation.

Mr Edumadze said according to the Operating Manual of CEDCOM he has the prerogative of appointing the Members of the Board and the Executive Secretary, adding that he found Mr Foster-Forson very capable of running the organisation hence his appointment.

He said the audit report showed that the former Executive Secretary, Dr Kofi Asmah could not account for 256 million cedis and so he was handed over to the Police.

"The Police have impounded a Benz car and a taxicab belonging to Dr Asmah." Mr Edumadze said he accommodated Mr Foster-Forson during the auditing period for security reasons, adding, "I could not eat and leave him since he was my guest".

Source: GNA