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Wed, 19 Sep 2018 Source:

A distraught family at Adjen Kotoku in the Greater Accra Region is calling for justice after their 9-year-old class four pupil was defiled by a young man, 2 years ago.

Angel [not her real name] was defiled in 2016, on her way back from school and has since been living with the consequences of that traumatic experience.

Defiled, left to rot, living with the fear of possibly not having children in the future, and waiting for for justice to be served.

Those are the words that describe the plight of little Angel.

Angel recounting her ordeal said, “On my way back from school, the suspect called me, gave me money and asked me to purchase something for him.

Upon returning the purchased item, he asked me to follow him and pushed me into a room ,yanked my underwear off and had sex with me. He used his manhood and his fingers.

He threatened to kill me if I screamed and asked me to keep silent about it, otherwise I will die.”

Details from a police medical report, verified the victims claims, revealing the extent of damage the dreadful act had caused the little girl.

The report mentioned profuse bleeding from the vagina, absent hymen and abrasions of the vagina as results of the dreadful act.

Angel, according to her mother, is now almost always in diapers because she often experieneces smelly vignal discharge, profuse bleeding.

“My daughter has been bleeding since and has been having some foul-smelling vaginal discharge.When the discharge touches any part of her body, especially her inner thigh, it becomes sore and looks like her skin is rotten. She is now almost always in diapers,” her mother said.

Angel is unable to walk properly, her mother noted.A close look at her reveals how she struggles to walk up straight.

Angel’s grandma expressed concern about her psychological health and acknowledged the needed for Angel to get the needed help.

She mentioned how the incident had affected her granddaughter’s performance in school and her self esteem.

“Angel thinks a lot. She always asks me why this happened to her. We always console her and move on, she explained.

Her health complications as a result of the incident has financially drained the family.

Madam Charity explained amid tears how her husband toils tirelessly to make sure they don’t go hungry.

Angel’s medications which include a GHC 350 antibiotic are required, a provision the family no longer can afford.

Hopes of getting justice for Angel, according to her family looks uncertain, as many trips to the police station and court have proved futile.

The case since reported to the police station has not seen much progress.

Mother of the victim complained bitterly about how some police officers manipulated her statements, rendering it irrelevant in court.

She appealed to stakeholders to help her bring the suspect to book.

Angel like many other victims of defilement, will remain helpless if authorities do not come to her rescue.

Defilement cases in Ghana, per reports went up by 25.7% in 2017.

Data from the Annual Crime statistics released by the Ghana Police Service show that, a total of 1,686 defilement cases were recorded nationwide in 2017 compared to 1,341 recorded in the previous year.

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