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A-G And NDC Press Saga Can Cost NDC In 2012 – Kofi Adams

Kofi Adams 11Nov2010

Mon, 16 Jan 2012 Source: peacefmonline

The Deputy General Secretary of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), Kofi Adams has warned that the level of inherent bitterness exposed by the Attorney-General, Martin Amidu towards an unnamed colleague minister of state and his (Amidu's) beef with a section of newspapers aligned to the government, could prove costly to the electoral fortunes of the ruling party as the NDC seeks to renew its mandate.

To him, the A-G’s explosive statement brings to the fore underlying challenges between government and cabinet especially. He added that the revelation does not only denigrate the alleged rented media houses but also exposes some kind of sabotage within government.

The A-G in a fiery response to what he says are publications by some alleged rented NDC press to run him down, accused the Daily Post, National Democrat and the Ghanaian Lens among other pro-NDC newspapers of allowing themselves to be used by an unnamed colleague minister of state.

He opined that the attacks were being orchestrated because some persons within the NDC are unhappy that he is going after suspected criminals within the party.

Contributing to discussions on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Morning show, Kofi Adams said the A-G’s outburst can reduce the respect and trust people have in the governance system. He cautioned against merely sweeping the issues raised by the A-G in his statement under the carpet, stressing that government must rise to the challenge and show control of the system.

“For the A-G to pen down that statement…the earlier government address this issue the better because it could result in a lot of situations…This can even cause the party an election, it can reduce the respect and trust that people have in the governance system and I believe that the A-G has raised issues which are of importance that should not be swept under the carpet - a nation of talkers, we will talk about it and make all comments from all angles, the newspapers will make cartoons of it, it will not help us in anyway. We have to show control of the system,” he noted.

Source: peacefmonline