









A.G Church in Bassano (Italy) celebrates 10 yrs.

Bassano Church Choir

Mon, 31 May 2010 Source: Reggie Tagoe

Assemblies of God Church (African Community) in Bassano - a suburb of the city Vicenza - in the north of Italy has celebrated its 10th anniversary with a special church service.

Special guest speaker at the service was Rev. Dr. S.B. Asore - former Head of A.G Church in Ghana. Also present was Rev. Joe Amanfu - Field Director of A.G Church (African Community) in Italy - and Pastor Patrick M. Boakye, of the A.G branch in Milan who is also the National General Secretary of the Church. The Theme of the Anniversary was: ‘The LORD has kept the promise he made, I have succeeded David my father and now I sit on the throne of Israel, just as the Lord, the God of Israel’(1Kings 8:20).

The history of the church was read on behalf of its Board by Jean Adu Boahene. She said the church known as ‘House of Grace Assemblies of God’ was founded as an extension evangelism work of the Assemblies of God Church in Vicenza now called ‘Glory House Assemblies’. After a period of consultations, visitations and evangelism work, the church started its meetings in May 2000. “We had two main families who were making a 30-km journey from Bassano to Vicenza for service and prayers. It was then that the vision of this Assembly came to Pastor Ofei Tagoe and his leadership Board in Vicenza. The support of Vicenza Assemblies continued both in physical presence as well as evangelism and material.”

The church she revealed faced some difficult times 3 years after its formation when its leader, Elder Joe Clement Adu and his family relocated to Ireland leaving the young Ministry without an able shepherd and protection. In that situation she mentioned the church lost almost all that had been gathered in the 3 years. “When all hopes seemed lost, God showed Himself faithful by giving the National Leadership the direction to appoint and assign Rev. Adu Boahene in his position as the National and General Secretary to us here in Bassano. We are very grateful to the LORD our God for what He took us through, causing our eyes to see some of the wonderful things He God can do,” she mentioned.

Jean pointed out in the analysis of events within the past 10 years that Rev. Adu Boahene has been a big blessing to the church. “Some of the choices we had to make to turn the face of the church seemed like a mountain before us but with prayers and faith in God we can proudly say to the Glory of God, not man, that we are now an example to many Ministries and Assemblies around us. We have grown according to the direction of God and we are still expecting more growth,” she indicated, concluding that the ‘House of Grace’ is not only a church but also a very BIG FAMILY OF GOD.

In the sermon, Rev. Dr. S.B. Asore, whose leadership led to the formation of A.G. Church (African Community) in Italy said he is thankful to God what the church started 10 years ago has yielded fruits. “There is difference between establishing and running a church,” he noted, telling the congregation, ”God has given you the direction to work. The LORD’s work is good and it involves every one of us –those who know the LORD.”

The Reverend Minister took his Word of Exhortation from Romans 12:6, Psalm119:50, Hebrews 11:11 and also made references in Habakkuk 2:1-3 as he spoke on God’s Promises saying God has given everyone the kind of work according to his/her ability. “You don’t give a job to a person that does not have the ability to do it,” he emphasised and went on to encourage the congregation to wait on God for their miracle. “God has a plan for everyone, a good promise to a successful end, promises doesn’t die if you are faithful to Him,” Rev. Asore said. He however reminded the congregation promises of God doesn’t mean Christians will not pass through difficulties referring to the journey of the Israelites before they reached the Promised Land. “Unity and working as a team is very important and there must be order in the House of God,” he told them.

The church rewarded Pastor Ofei Tagoe, Pastor Stephen Dapaah Williams, Elder James Myers, Elder Clement Adu, Deacon Stephen Asante, Deacon Emmanuel Anti, Deaconess Joyce Kyei and Joe Dan Gwira for their devotion to service for the church and contribution to the work of God.

- Reggie Tagoe in Bassano (Vicenza), Italy.

Source: Reggie Tagoe