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Akosa Rallies Ghanaians Abroad

Prof Badu Akosa

Tue, 24 Apr 2007 Source: --

Prof. Agyeman Badu Akosa, immediate past Director General of Ghana Health Services has continued to rally Ghanaians on his visit to the United Kingdom. In an interview on the ever popular London HotFM radio morning show programme he called on all Nkrumaists and CPPists who have either left the CPP or still “sitting on the fence” to come back home to the CPP.

Radio host Frank Anderson popularly known as GodFather asked the Medical Professor “why he thinks the CPP is the Party to solve the numerous problems facing Ghana?

“The majority of Ghanaians are poor and yet the current NPP government have so far failed to address the basic needs of the majority” was Prof Akosa‘s response adding that “The fact of the matter is that the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian particularly the poorest is marginalized in the NPP’s overall policies and programmes, that 42% of schooling ends before or at the end of primary school level demonstrates the enormous marginalization of future leaders of our dear nation” he said.

Frank Anderson then asked “Why has the CPP become so fragmented, and can it then win any election in Ghana?”

Prof Akosa replied that “ It is understandable when a fathers house is left in disrepair with a leaking roof that his children would abandon such a house but when the house is refurbished and repaired then it is expected that all the children will return to their father’s house” he eulogized by saying that “this is precisely what is happening in the CPP, that the CPP house which has` been in disrepair is now nearing the completion of its refurbishment” , that there are many rooms in the refurbished house for all of Nkrumah’s children to return home”.

The host’s next question was “why key CPP members like himself and Dr Ndoum had joined the NPP government?” Prof. Akosa vigorously rebuffed the assertion saying “ l have never been a member of the NPP government , the fact is that l applied for the Director General’s position which was advertised, I was interviewed and was appointed for a 4 year term. The position is not a government appointed position, but a public service appointment and l felt a call to serve Ghana in the health sector”.

The host then moved on to the economy saying “There has been talk that Ghana’s economy has` improved under the NPP government and there is now security for all \in Ghana”. Prof. Akosa responded that if there is security for all why do many homes feel the need to build 6 foot walls with barbed wire around their homes?, that in many instances electric current was then even run through the wire . “Who are we afraid of” he asked. He carried on saying “it is precisely because the majority have been completely forgotten , resulting in general hopelessness among the youth, with unemployment and idleness to the extent that our young people have been compromised and forced to do anything for survival”.

Prof Akosa went on to say further that anyone can contact the Association of Ghana Industries to find out how the government’s unbridled trade liberalization has destroyed Ghana’s industries. That our markets have been flooded with cheap imports from the far east which has had a detrimental effect on our own companies and industries.” The fact of the matter is that macroeconomic stability is necessary but not a sufficient condition for achieving middle income status and for general improvement in the daily living conditions of our people” Prof Akosa said.

The Medical Professor said also that Ghana had become a “secondhand” state with everything including underwear bought secondhand, and that toilet paper was probably the only item you cannot buy “secondhand” in Ghana. This he said was not befitting the Black Star of Africa which Nkrumah and the CPP had struggled to build for the emancipation and dignity of Ghana and Africa.

Prof Akosa went on to say that the CPP is the only government which had the welfare of the people at the centre of its economic policies and programmes and it is time for Ghanaians to support the CPP to improve the destiny of Ghana. Save Ghana now, a slogan reminiscent of the independence struggle must be the clarion call. He concluded his interview saying “There is a revivalist movement within the CPP which is about the meeting of minds and ideas, that the doors of the CPP are open to everyone who shares Dr Nkrumah’s ideas and believe in Ghana before self, and prepared to eschew selfishness, arrogance greediness and parochialism, that the time had come for all to join the CPP to help it on to victory for the liberation of Ghanaians.

" Callers were visibly moved to tears on the phone-in that followed with several Ghanaians pledging their support to the CPP. Subsequent calls to join the CPP has been unprecedented with the majority promising to attend the CPP's monthly forum that is held every third Sunday of the month at the London International Students House, Gt. Portland Street.

Forward Ever

Convention People’s Party United Kingdom & Ireland Secretariat

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