









Akufo-Addo's Christmas message

Akufo Addo @Security Council  06

Fri, 25 Dec 2009 Source: HERBERT KRAP


Fellow Ghanaians, all too soon another year is ending and we give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ our Lord. It has been a difficult and challenging year. But, the resilience and faith of the Ghanaian people have once again triumphed over the economic, social and political adversities.

As we celebrate Christmas, I urge all Christians, indeed, all Ghanaians, to remain committed to the cardinal principles of Christianity, including love, charity and reconciliation.

As we approach the New Year, let us strive for a more sincere manifestation of the Christian principles of reconciliation than we have so far witnessed. Let us show our Christianity not only in words but in deeds, too. Let us tolerate and love our neighbour as ourselves. As Christians, we believe the coming of Jesus Christ was God’s way of reconciling the world to himself. “In Christ, God was reconciling the world to [God]self” (2 Corinthians 5:19). Again, Jesus teaches us that before offering our gift at God's altar, we must first be reconciled to our brothers and sisters in the human family (Matthew 5:24). In order to find a common ground for national development we must have the heart to reconcile with those with whom we may not agree.

We should not give in to hopelessness and despair. We should not see the economic difficulties of today as the blueprint of our tomorrow. There are brighter days ahead. We should continue to stay united and focus on the things that can help us construct the road to a brighter future.

As we move into the future, let us urge our leaders and peers to observe and encourage the things that keep us united, constructive and patriotic and discourage the politics of vindictiveness, hypocrisy and pettiness. Let us see the urgency in finding peaceful, meaningful and creative solutions to the many challenges that confront Ghana and her people. Let us prove to this generation and for generations to come that, in spite of all our differences and challenges, our common belief in God and Ghana can drive us to achieve our nation’s manifest destiny: a Ghana where the rule of law, respect for human rights and democratic principles are cherished, and the pursuit of development and prosperity for every individual Ghanaian is our steadfast goal.

Let us, therefore, make this Christmas a time of thanking the Lord Almighty for guiding our nation to end another year with the pillars of our democracy in place. Let us be grateful to the Lord for keeping our nation at peace and our unity and diversity in harmony, however imperfect. I pray that us we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us also, by sharing, extend the happiness that the season brings to the less fortunate individuals in our communities.

On behalf of myself, my wife Rebecca and our family, I wish every Ghanaian a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the Good Lord bless Ghana and us all.

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
