









Apostle Osei-Bonsu speaks out

Apostle Osei Bonsu@toronto

Wed, 19 Dec 2007 Source: Ghanaian News Canada

Former Church of Pentecost Apostle Osei-Bonsu is easily identified as the “founder’ and “builder”, of the Church of Pentecost in Toronto and its eventual growth across Canada. He was posted to New York City in 1997 after five years work in Toronto. Ten years later, he is back in Toronto with a different mission from the Church that he nurtured in this City. The Ghanaian News Canada sat down with Apostle Dr. Alex Osei-Bonsu to shed some light on events that has created the schism between him and his mother church. Excerpts

Ghanaian News(GN) Apostle, welcome back to Toronto. I’ll start with your famous quotation “And Jesus returned to Galilee in the Power of the Holy Spirit… The spirit of the Lord is upon me”(Luke 4:14-18) You are now back in Toronto with a new mission or church, what is your reason and why?

Apostle Dr. Alex Osei-Bonsu ( Apostle) In the first place, Toronto is my 2nd home. I am a person called by God and as a Minister of Religion; my first visit to Toronto was in 1992 when I came to preach the gospel. I was then working for a worldwide Christian organization that brought me here. After 5 years in Toronto I left for U.S. where I continued the same work for that organization (The Church of Pentecost) in 1997.

(GN) Apostle, you were one of the pillars behind the Church of Pentecost here in Toronto and who many, regard as the founder and builder of the branch in Toronto. How many years have you been with the Church of Pentecost (COP) to date?

(Apostle) I have been associated with the Church of Pentecost since 1971. When I was converted I first served as Deacon and then Elder until 1978 when I was called into full time ministry as a pastor. I served as a minister for 15 years in Ghana before coming to Canada in 1992. I did not start the church of Pentecost in Toronto. I came as the first National Head of the Church when it was in its infancy with few membership and helped build it to a sizeable level as it is today .By the Grace of God ,and with the help and dedication of the leadership we were able to put the church on a sound foundation ,financially and spiritually before I left in 1997 for U.S.

I went to U.S.A to be the Head of the church there. I was stationed in New York City as the National Head with 25 churches until my retirement in the year 2003, when I handed the leadership mantle to the current National Head with over 56 churches.

(GN) We know that even after your departure from Toronto you were still a very strong pillar behind the Church. But you are no more with them. Why did you leave the Church of Pentecost?

(Apostle) In 2003, I retired as an active minister on medical grounds after I had an accident. I was still a member of the C.O.P. I left New York to Florida recuperate from my illness. I had an accident in 2002 when I was still the head of the church in U.S. I was so much injured I could not do anything. While I was on treatment, I sent my detailed medical report to Ghana to explain to them the extent of my illness and requested for leave of absence to continue my treatment to make room for a new leader. The international Executive agreed to my request ,sent another minister to take over from me but ironically transferred me to Ghana to be the Dean of the newly established Pentecost University. I declined this appointment, not because I did not want to go to Ghana ,as was circulated all over the world in the church by the very people who had my medical reports and knew my condition of health at that time .Ghana is my home and country ,and I love to be there and die there, remember I committed my live for Ghana by serving in the Air Force for 9 years. I was totally misrepresented and misquoted by those who were expected to help and comfort me at the time of my dire need for prayer, emotional and psychological support. They tried to project me as a hypocrite and an unfaithful minister in the eyes of the church membership, after working and serving so hard and faithfully for 26 years of my life My track record is there for anyone who cares to check on my sincerity.

I was involved in the motor accident in the course of active duty ,that affected my spine with 6 disc herniation according to the medical experts ,in the USA ,who had recommended that surgery was the only probable remedy ,how do I go to Ghana in this my condition to work as dean in a University? How do I work when I am sick? I had spent 5 years in Canada and seven years in the USA working so hard for the Church of Pentecost when I was physically strong, the cost of my treatment was not the responsibility of the Church ,it was paid by the insurance of the car which hit me ,not a dime was to be paid by the church of Pentecost. Why were they asking me to go to Ghana, when everyone knows it is in the USA that I had the better chance of getting well? Don’t forget that when these very people get sick, they fly to Europe, Canada or America for treatment.

(GN) We understand that you were on pension and you were supposed to go to Ghana to take up an important appointment with the Church. Why did that not happen?

(Apostle) I was given one year sick leave to have medical treatment while in the US .During that period, a lot of issues cropped between the Executive and myself which I am not prepared to elaborate in this interview. At the end of the sick leave, I was getting worse, physically and emotionally due to what was going on so I decided that the best way was to retire and concentrate on my health. At the general council meeting in Ghana in April 2003, I applied for retirement on medical grounds, which was accepted by the Executive and the General Council of the Church. I did not ask for the extension of the sick leave, because of how I was treated during the one year I had earlier on. I retired on medical grounds having served the church for 26 years ,to enable me take care of my health at my own cost Yes, I was on the COP pension scheme which was part of my salary deductions while in service ,and was also still with the church . I attended church services and sometimes teach or preach at the local assemblies in Tampa and Atlanta where I had stayed. All these years, which I call “my 4 years in the wilderness of the Spirit’ my dear wife Caroline, the children and myself were deep in agonizing prayers to our God. The Lord heard our cries ,and healed me miraculously, and told me He has prepared me for something New. On the 9th of October 2006, I sent my resignation letter to the executives of the church as the Lord led me.

(GN) Right now you’ve started a new mission or church in US and Toronto, after your Retirement from Church of Pentecost what is your reason and why?.

(Apostle) As an Apostle, my calling is to build churches, for the 26 years I was with the COP. I helped open so many churches worldwide. An Apostle should not fold his arms. I have to break grounds to expand the Kingdom of God. This is in line with my calling. That is why I started one in Atlanta when I officially resigned from the Church of Pentecost.

(GN) Some people are saying that your actions amount to a sort of “revenge mission” against the Church of Pentecost. Is setting up your own church here in Toronto not going to destabilize the Church of Pentecost here in Toronto which may prove that point?

( Apostle) My plan is not a revenge mission. Any minister who is called of God will not say that church planting is a revenge mission against existing churches. Toronto is my 2nd home, I came to give to the people here what God has given me, let the people know Christ. Its not about denomination. My plan is to reach out to the whole of Canada not COP Toronto. Yes it is true that some Christians may come from Pentecost and other churches to my Ministry, but do not forget that when the church of Pentecost started in Ghana, there were other established churches. Most people left their churches and joined the COP because of what they, thought was missing. The same thing can happen if people think they are missing something at their church, they will move. People join churches for various reasons not for personalities, God likened to a good farmer also takes a brand of fire from the initial set up to spread the fire throughout land as He clears His farm ,and prepares it for planting. If God had taken me out of COP to start a new work to expand his kingdom, it is in order. God took me from the Presbyterian Church and I have been a blessing to the COP for 26 years .

(GN) It seems to me that the message that was emphasized during your crusade and what people are saying all over is that you are back because, like mother Theresa, you care for your people as a leader of a church. You had all the time to do that whilst you were with the Church of Pentecost. Why didn’t you pursue it but now?

( Apostle) Yes ,I care so much for my people as a leader, and I have always done so .Those who know me and have worked with me can confirm this. This is the reason why people seem to like me and others think I am a threat to The Church of Pentecost. Secondly ,every church or ministry has its own vision, and purpose . When you are with any organization though, you may have your own vision but you have to subject your individual vision under that of the cooperate body. I believe God knows what he has deposited in me as an individual; and that is why Praise Temple of Christ Int’l has been born

(GN) Do you plan opening branches across Canada, the same plan you had used for the growth of the Church of Pentecost in Canada?

( Apostle) The command of Christ is “Go into all the world,and preach the gospel “The early church started in Jerusalem, their home and now we have the gospel all over the world. Praise Temple of Christ has started from where I got the vision, ie Atlanta, we have reached Ghana our first home, now we are here in Toronto, our second home. From here the world is our target.

(GH) What are your long-term goals with this new Church (Praise Temple of Christ International) or Mission?

( Apostle) The church does indeed have long –term goals. In 5-10 years time,we would have reached many cities in Canada, USA, Europe and Africa. There are plans to establish a Bible College in Ghana in 3 years time ,that will have a department for a school of prophets. So many prophets are being raised these days, as the Lord is bringing back these ministries to prepare the church and the world for His second coming. I believe these people need to have a deeper knowledge of the word to balance their giftings. Plans are also in place to establish a ministry for the poor and needy, homeless and drug addicts. This has already started in Atlanta. We hope to extend it to Africa soon. PRAISE Temple believes that the work is the Lord’s, and any plan for the future comes from Him .We have therefore resolved to let the Holy spirit guide us and that Christ Jesus will be His own and director of the ministry.

(GN) Apostle on behalf of the Ghanaian News I thank you very much for having me. It's always been pleasure talking to you.

Source: Ghanaian News Canada