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Ashanti Regional Health Directorate commiserates with family of murdered nurse

Social Visit Delegation The Health Directorate visited the family of late Ruth Eshun who was murdered

Wed, 12 Feb 2020 Source: GNA

A delegation from the Ashanti Regional Health Directorate has commiserated with the family of Ruth Eshun, the community health nurse who was murdered last week at Ayuom, near Sawua in the Bosomtwe District.

Led by Dr. Emmanuel Tinkorang, the Regional Director of Health Services, the delegation first visited the Sawua Health Center to encourage her colleagues to continue to attend to patients despite the gruesome act.

It was a somber atmosphere as most of the health workers broke down in tears when the delegation arrived at the facility.

Dr. Tinkorang encouraged them to be strong even in the face of the seeming insecurity and continue to provide the essential service for the good of the public.

He said for a person who was returning home after rendering a critical service to be murdered in that manner was barbaric, most unfortunate and needed to be condemned.

The Directorate, he said, was shocked when heard the news of the cruel killing the young lady, considering the fact that such attacks on health professionals were not common in the communities.

He said the provision of healthcare in such areas involved a lot of outreaches such as home visits and stressed the need for a secured environment so that workers would not feel threatened to render such services.

The Regional Director implored the workers not to be frightened or demoralised by the incident and go about their normal duties, saying that, any fear factor may adversely affect service delivery.

At the residence of the deceased, Dr. Tinkorang on behalf of the Health Minister and the Director-General of the Ghana Health Service expressed the condolences of the health fraternity to the bereaved family.

He acknowledged that they were going through a difficult moment and urged them to be strong as the police hunt for the perpetrators of the heinous crime.

He gave the assurance that his outfit would provide the needed support toward the funeral and burial of their colleague.

Ruth Eshun was murdered in cold blood by some unknown assailants, who attacked her whilst on her way home after work about a week ago.

She is survived by a husband and three kids.

Members of the community who spoke to the Ghana News Agency during the visit, spoke highly of her as a very calm and pleasant personality, who always treated patients with respect.

A source from the bereaved family who also expressed utter shock about the lady's murder, told the GNA the deceased would be buried on Saturday, February, 15, 2020.

Source: GNA