









B&FT Editorial: Are we losing the corruption fight?

Sad Akufo Addo.jfif President Akufo-Addo

Mon, 27 Jan 2020 Source: Business & Financial Times

The latest corruption perception index (CPI) shows the country dropped two places to 80th globally, but was however able to maintain 41 out of 100, which still is below the average score of 4.3. Corruption remains a canker in our society, and governments have identified it as a national problem that needs to be expunged from our body-politic.

Indeed, President Akufo-Addo is perceived as a person who does not tolerate corrupt acts; and when he assumed the Presidency, he fulfilled a campaign promise and instituted the Office of the Special Prosecutor to combat corruption in high places.

However, the canker is dying a slow death and needs to be quickened. That means putting mechanisms and institutions which will assist in the fight against corruption. If we are to quote the Chair of Transparency International which releases the CPI,Ferreira Rubio said: "Frustration with government corruption and lack of trust in institutions speaks to need for greater political integrity" - and that only goes to reinforce this conviction.

Rubio went on to add that: "Governments must urgently address the corrupting role of big money in political party financing and the undue influence in exerts on our political systems". We believe this plays an important role in entrenchment of corruption in our body-politic; and as we go to the polls in December, this is something we have to watch out for - because that is when political financing and the undue influence it exerts plays out fully".

Influence peddling is heightened and money is freely distributed to win favour. Naturally, in a society like ours where poverty is pronounced, the influence of money can play a leading role. However, as our democracy matures, we believe some negative influence like the monetisation of our electoral process can / must be curbed, if not eliminated altogether.

We believe this latest CPI index must be a guideline light to deter us from spiraling further down this abyss.

Source: Business & Financial Times
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