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Bawku: The military apprehended and killed the young men without any reason – Ayariga

Ghana Military.jfif He condemned the military’s actions and stressed the need for an explanation

Sun, 21 Jan 2024 Source:

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Bawku Central in the Upper East region, Mahama Ayariga, has dismissed claims that the military is not involved in the killing of three individuals in the constituency.

According to him, he finds it difficult to comprehend why the military would engage in such actions, emphasising the need for them to collaborate with constituents to build trust in the community.

Speaking on JoyNews’ Newsfile on Saturday, January 20, Mr. Ayariga stated that the security agencies are responsible for the killings, and are thus creating a situation where the community resists cooperation with law enforcement.

“I find it totally unacceptable that the military should behave the way that they have in Bawku, particularly the way that these three young men were killed.

“They were murdered because the military actually apprehended them and they had no reason to shoot and kill these three young men and so I find that totally unacceptable and we will continue to demand accountability on the part of the security agencies,” he stressed.

When asked what led to the killing of the three young men, the Bawku Central MP asserted that “Young men were sitting in their base and having their conversation, and then the military pounced on them. One escaped, they shot and missed and then the three that were there, they apprehended them, beat them up and then they shot them.”

Addressing the notion that it is inconceivable for the military to attack, shoot, and kill without provocation, Mr Ayariga stated, “Exactly that is why I’m condemning them because they should produce the provocation – what was the provocation?

He explained that, the military apprehended and killed the individuals without justification, and eyewitnesses, including the local assemblyman, have attested to the events.

“I’m saying on authority that there are eyewitnesses – the Assemblyman for the area is alive; he came out and pleaded with the soldiers to release the boys, and they refused, so there are witnesses.

“So obviously, the military is the one to produce the provocations. What provoked them to the point where, after they had apprehended them, even if they were running away and you fired, you could have concocted the story but you arrested them, so on what basis did you decide to shoot them,” Mr Ayariga asked.

He condemned the military’s actions and stressed the need for an explanation of the provocations that led to the shootings.
