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Ben Ephson: I’ve been a “sickler” for 45 years

Ben Ephson Dispatch Editor

Thu, 20 Jun 2013 Source: peacefmonline

Managing Editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper, Ben Ephson, on Wednesday educated listeners of Peace FM on a subject not related to politics in any way.

The renowned pollster shared with listeners his perspective on Sickle-cell disease (SCD), and why it is essential that sufferers of the disease take their medication seriously.

Speaking in an interview with Kwami Sefa Kayi on 'Kokrokoo,' Ben Ephson, who admitted being a “sickler” for the past forty-five years, recounted some of his experiences.

He explained that the disease if not managed well, parents with sickle cell may transfer it to their children and so, implored affected families to go by their prescriptions and go for periodic medical checkups.

This, he stated, is the remedy to keep patients alive because, though the disease is incurable, it is, however, incumbent on them to manage it.

“If the mother and father, both have the SS traits, straightaway when they marry, then it means they won’t give birth. If you become headstrong too, and you go and marry and if both have the traits; if care is not taken, they will give birth to children with the disease,” he said.

Explaining some causes of the disease, Mr. Ephson said patients who excessively drink alcohol and often indulge in ‘womanizing’ build up the effects of the disease.

He, therefore, warned sickle cell patients to be wary of the activities they engage in, admonishing them to “check your association with girls. Be wary of alcoholism and stress.”

“You must also be careful of catching malaria in the sense that what I’ve learned over the years, a sickle cell patient does not have a luxury of a good life if infected with malaria,” he added.

He further advised that “if the doctor has given you indicators, you must observe it. Follow your medication. What you shouldn’t do; if you do it, you’ll go through unnecessary pain. So, if [anybody] the father or the parent has sickle cell trait, please go and check… As for most SS patients, they have to manage it well.

“For the past 45 years, I’ve never been in the crisis because I’ve tried to obey those instructions.”

Source: peacefmonline