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Build your own doors, don't always wait for opportunities - Sefa Kayi addresses UPSA graduands

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Sat, 3 Sep 2022 Source:

Versatile broadcaster and host of one of Ghana's leading morning show "Kokrokoo" on Peace FM, Kwami Sefa Kayi has charged the youth to be passionate about creating their own opportunities in life than wait for opportunities to miraculously or magically present itself.

Mr. Sefa Kayi, affectionately called 'Chairman General', advised the youth to be industrious and create their own successes.

He made this admonition when delivering a speech at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) Second Session of their 14th Congregation held on the campus.

He opened the minds of the graduands to the vagaries of life after school saying "my dear graduands, it's a good thing you have a lot of energy and it was good for us on the start because life taught us that, in addition to our education and ambition, we needed to be flexible to bend to accommodate the changes in our circumstances beyond our dreams because our dreams were not going to immediate."

Sharing his experiences from grass to grace and to fame, he said "we had to learn to eat gari before we could afford rice. We also needed to be agile to jump from opportunity to opportunity because as you step out, remember that not every opportuntiy is the opportunity" and assured them "there will be plenty of 'stop, go, rethink, go, jumpship, restrategize, go' moments. All of these will be along the path to success" but they need to be resilient.

The media luminary further urged the graduands, who are primarily youth, to build right networks that will catapult them into destinies.

"Believe me when I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, it's taken me over half my lifetime to learn some of these lessons and I continue to learn. Life in itself is a constant learning curve. Although there is no one formula for success and you and I will continue to crack the code of success, there is one variable that is in everybody's equation. That varible is time," he stated and admonished them to "remember your network can make or break you.

"As you step out of this auditorium, I entreat you to build your own doors. Don't always wait for opportunities to come knocking at your door. Consider time to be your ally and use the skills and degrees you have worked very hard for over the last few years to also build and open doors for others who may be able to walk through and become successful.

"As you open those doors, most importantly, be less judgemental of people. You may not the choices and options they had. Remember, life is a learning curve. Keep crowing 'Kokrokoo'. Go out there and leave your mark!" Mr. Sefa Kayi concluded with these nuggets of wisdom.

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