









Busia's Daughter Calls For State Of Emergency

Nana Freema Busia

Wed, 12 Nov 2008 Source: --

...and Resignation Of President Kufour

Is Ghana worth dying for? Is any cause worthy of one’s life? To speak or not to speak? This is an existential question for both President Kufuor of the Republic of Ghana and I, Nana Frema Busia. There is an ongoing HOSTAGE CRISIS in Ghana. His Excellency President Kufuor is holding my life hostage to his inability to simply speak. Who and what are holding Mr. President Hostage and rendering him speechless? What is so hideous that President Kufour is willing to sacrifice my life, on hunger strike, with the entire world watching?

People who are afraid to speak the absolute truth regardless of consequences, people who are afraid to die for a cause celebre, people who are afraid to be called unjustifiably mad for upholding integrity can never achieve much. They certainly shall not be the conduit of God for transformational change. I am talking about socio-political evangelism, an emerging phenomenal world peace and security dynamic with God’s own imprint. This is why I am watching the USA election with critical interest. It is up to the USA to choose pivotal peace with security and reject egoistic war with reprisals. Ultimately, it is peace that works.

Talking about Peace and Security, if His Excellency President John ‘Di Awuo’ [he who commits murder] Kufuor, is not attempting to commit murder why won’t he speak? Is my life worth so little to his Excellency? By the by, Why would any country choose a President with a name such as this?

President Kufuor is damned if he speaks and damned if he does not speak. But, He must speak, about the documents under Presidential siege obtained by Presidential subterfuge. The timing of President Kufuor’s speech will tell us the measure of the man that he is. The moral stature of defeat is certainly a ‘giant elephant’ matter, nothing genteel about colossal downfall of a shining black star. The evil that men do comes to haunt them while they are still alive. Now this is hell for President Kufour.

If you willingly and deliberately let in guns and drugs into any country, before you know it there is an underground raging war, before you know it there is a killing field’s drama such as in Yendi and related contagion.

If you had a hypothetical nation, which had a President ‘death’ who is misguided by a black star, a satanic symbol, in a triumvirate of despair, with a chief of occultist affairs and a government secretly led by the bloodhound anti Christ who deals in narcotics and arms with blackmail and corruption as stocks in trade, if the trio were really a quartet, that is, in a struggle for power with itself as well as against other bloodied hands under state protection, would you not end up with a bloodbath which spills over to innocent lives? Oui ou Non? Mr. Francis ‘French speaking’ Poku, shall a day of international reckoning not soon come?

They are involved in international chess games and dragon plays punctuated by deathly cowardly silence.

The next time another African President intones a zero tolerance for corruption or whatever, he should mean it. Why does the western world spend billions of dollars on crackdown of drug lords and terrorists in South America and Middle East respectively, etc, and hail African collaborators of terrorism and menacing drugs?.

What is the international community doing about this matter? I am talking about the European Union, The US, UK, Japan and other governments that have propped up the Kufour administration and to whom details of the CHRAJ cases were made available.

Hon Dr. Kwame Addo Kufour [brother of President Kufuor] current Minister for Interior and former Minister of Defense should also resign and be subject to criminal investigation. It is Hon Addo Kufour who as joint Minister for Defense and Interior in 2002, failed to establish the small arms commission after cabinet gave that portfolio to the interior ministry. Currently the commission remains non functional under Addo Kufour who has traded places with the current Minister of Defense. Albert Kan Dapaa. I t is Albert Kan Dapaa acting as a puppy for Francis Poku for whatever gun was being pointed at his head who administered the final death throes to the small arms secretariat.

Hon Addo Kufour as well as all the heads of security agencies including the BNI, Chief of Defense Staff, Navy Commander as well as the Inspector General of Police at the time of the MV Benjamin fiasco should resign with immediate effect and face an international criminal probe. Hon Hackman owusu Agyeman, the NPP titan who recently run for the presidential nomination has criminal interrogatories to answer, it is under his Ministry of Interior that Francis Poku as National Security coordinator, following the Yendi blood trail usurped the arms portfolio as well as the Narcotics board and rendered the ‘hack man’ helpless. Why? Paapa Owusu Ankoma who as Attorney General did not see to the establishment of the commission, subsequently at Interior became a Francis Poku poodle. why? Nana Akuffo Addo who as Attorney General, failed to establish the small arms commission, later as Foreign Affairs Minister sent a communiqué to the Ghana UN mission to stop me from attending a major UN General Assembly meeting on arms control after I had indicated in writing that I was going to negotiate US $ 5milion for Ghana because Francis Poku ordered it. Why? No, I do not support the NDC. I shall republish my articles against the NDC to the Ghana public that has temporary amnesia.

Dr Sam Amoo the current national security coordinator who is a pawn in big men’s gamesmanship, in deep over his head should resign. UNDP in violation of its own internal policies gave Dr, Sam Amoo whose programme had been closed in Addis, a consultancy to draft Ghana’s 5 year national action plan for arms control in my absence. The same Dr Sam Amoo who I had previously liaised with in Addis Ababa currently as National Security coordinator under Presidential instruction has cooperated in the shut down of my operations to prevent implementation of the very action plan he personally drafted for Ghana over my technical objections for want of a terms of reference for his consultancy for which UNDP paid him. Why? This leads me to UNDP culpability which will be addressed in due course.

The landlady of my official National Security Residence who has been giving cash payments by Sam Amoo’s National security after issuance of eviction orders to me indicates her intention to raise the building to the ground. What deals do the Francis Poku/ Sam Amoo National security edifice have to ensure demolition and why? I am requesting international criminal review of this matter. My official residence is evidence which should be estopped from demolishing to cover it up. The entire national security and integrated security edifice has self destructed under President Kufour’s failure of governance and non Presidency. The African Peer Review Mechanism has also failed Ghana and the international community. There is massive institutional failure, systemic dysfunction and need for a total overhaul. This is a rather complex intricate affair which involves the hand of God in reinstituting law and order.

The Acting CHRAJ commissioner obviously has not exhibited moral or legal competence in this matter and should resign forthwith and should also face criminal proceedings to the extent that she has obstructed justice and has cooperated with government to cover up the issues contained in the whistle blower actions before her. I am also requesting a full set of the documents in CHRAJ custody since December 2006 for international review.

Is the entire ‘we no go sit down make them cheat us’ country called Ghana, with their culture of fear and silence supposedly broken, going to watch me die? I have whistle blown this case to the public. Why is everyone not going crazy wild demanding that Mr. President Speak, That CHRAJ speak, that Parliament speak, that the Attorney General Speak. Is there no lunatic fringe in the human rights, democracy, and integrity or gender movement or even in the opposition parties and religious and inky media fraternity that can join me in demanding that the President speak? Where has democracy gone? Whatever happened to freedom of information? What are the Commonwealth Human Rights Institute, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch doing in this mater? Details of the CHRAJ action were copied to these institutions.

If his Excellency, the multi – award winning President absolutely cannot speak, then her Lordship, Madam Chief Justice should announce the resignation of President Kufuor with immediate effect. Mr. President, you do have the constitutional right of freedom of speech. Please exercise it, now, because you hold your peace now, to your own peril.

In my considered legal and constitutional opinion, a state of emergency should be declared in Ghana BECAUSE THE PRESIDENCY AND THE SECURITY SECTOR HAVE SELF DESTRUCTED among other important sectors. THERE IS NO TRUE GOVERNANCE IN GHANA. The opposition is severely compromised and equally embroiled in corruption and bloodshed, but J.A. Kufour bears the ultimate responsibility for omissions to act and furthermore for significant acts of commission which have now engulfed his presidency and in which he shall drown. The coup detat they feared has occurred with one stroke of genius. God is instituting a new world order. If this sounds like madness, it is, because God is mad as hell at the world today. Chief Justice Georgina Wood should form an interim government; the oncoming elections should be postponed indefinitely. Let sanity prevail. INTERPOL has debriefing jobs to do.

I also have a political campaign to run if the international community and Ghana refuse to see or hear the obvious in a continuous ‘see no evil’ hear no evil’ attitude while evil is being perpetuated. Manhyia, my constituency waits and wails. I am ready. I am also launching the revival of the Progress Party to contest the next sane general election. I should like Ghana to sit once more among the community of civilized nations with PRIDE.

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