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Christians mark Easter

Wed, 7 Apr 1999 Source: null

You will answer for your deeds ? Archbishop ************************************

Koforidua (Eastern Region) 6 April ?99

The Most Reverend Robert G.A. Okine, Anglican Archbishop for the province of West Africa, said at the weekend that those responsible for the death of other people would have to answer for their deeds. God was very much concerned about the world, and that was why He sent His son to come and redeem it, he said.

In the Archbishop's Easter message read to the congregation at the Saint Peter's Anglican cathedral in Koforidua, he expressed regret that though most Christians are emotional about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, their life styles do not portray so.

"Let me remind you that each time that you get involved in any anti-social activity or envious of the good works of others, you are also crucifying Christ", he said. Archbishop Okine called on Christians to constantly follow Jesus Christ and not wait till Easter, because to be a good disciple of Christ, one must face disappointments and defeats. "...believing that in the end, God will work his purpose with us and we will pass on to a richer life in future". More

Christians asked to respect other religions:


Kumasi (Ashanti Region)

Prophet Daniel Twum-Barimah, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Twelve Apostles Church, has called on Christians to respect and live harmoniously with members of other sects and religious organisations. This would not only create peaceful co-existence and social development but would also curb religious violence and promote religious and spiritual advancement. Delivering a sermon at a thanksgiving service organised by the Council to mark the Easter festivities in Kumasi on Monday, Prophet Twum-Barimah said spiritual upliftment could only be achieved when people desist from all negative practices and unchristian attitudes and reflect on how to sustain love, peace and unity.

Prophet Twum-Barimah urged the congregation to let the celebration of Easter emanate in them the spirit of honesty, hard work and discipline to enhance the spiritual and economic development of the country. He stressed the need for Christians to be wary of the excesses of those in the helms of affairs especially religious leaders and called on those close to them to advise them to change. More

Catholics to abhor bribery and corruption:


Tamale (Northern Region)

Christians have been asked to use the renewed spiritual strength at Easter to fight bribery and corruption in the society. At an open air mass to mark this year's picnic (Easter Monday) celebrations, Reverend Gregory Kpiebaya, Catholic Archbishop of Tamale, appealed to Christians to heed to the warning by Jesus "not to pour new wine into old skins", and must shed all vices for the unhindered entry of the Holy Spirit into their lives. Thousands of people from all walks of life are taking part in the picnic, which is organised annually by the Catholic Church, to round off several weeks of fasting. It is characterised by merry-making. The effectiveness of the happy occasion of Easter would be lost if Christians do not change and adopt new lifestyles, Archbishop Kpiebaya had reminded the congregation.

"No one puts fresh pito into old pots - both will be lost. Bribery and corruption are some of the old pots we refuse to throw away. Let us not carry these old pots into the third millennium". Archbishop Kpiebaya urged Christians to adopt new lifestyles, embodied with love, honesty, integrity and truthfulness. He expressed regrets that "bribery and corruption has become so ingrained in our civil and political machinery, that it has become almost institutionalised".

Conversely, he said, the political and administrative systems do not guarantee and safeguard the individual and social rights of the ordinary Ghanaian, and there are many Ghanaians who are prepared to sacrifice integrity and a good reputation for personal gain. Archbishop Kpiebaya said it is in recognition of the destructive nature of bribery and corruption that the Catholic Bishops conference has embarked on a crusade to eradication it.

Monday) celebrations, Reverend Gregory Kpiebaya, Catholic Archbishop of Tamale, appealed to Christians to heed to the

Source: null