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Coup post: I know I will be arrested and likely tortured – Barker-Vormawor's 'doom' prediction

Oliver Barker Vormawor, FixTheCountry Oliver Barker-Vormawor, one of the conveners of the #FixTheCountry campaign

Sat, 12 Feb 2022 Source:

Oliver Barker-Vormawor, a convener of Fix the Country Group had declared his preparedness to face whatever harm will come as a result of his activism for good governance in Ghana. 

“… I know that I will eventually be arrested and likely tortured. Possibly, I may be killed. Caleb Kudah a well known journalist, was slapped into oblivion; Ahmed Suale was killed. What more evidence do you need that if you ruffle feathers of thieves and criminals, they will come for you,” the above is a quote from an article by the Convenor of the group.

In the article which follows an earlier post in which he vowed to stage a coup if the e-levy is passed, Mr. Vormawor who is a lawyer said he has been inundated with caution warnings from several persons who fear the worse could befall him.

“Over the past 48 hours I have had several friends reach out to say “Be careful oo. This Government is vindictive.” Today, I have received calls from certain people who found themselves in circles of party and government officials promising that at the first opportunity they will arrest me. That they will deal with me in such a way that; when I leave Ghana, I will never talk of Ghana ever again. He wrote.

Read the rest of the write up below:

Now let me say this. As clear as i can be. If any single person thinks I do not know that the modus operandi of an illegitimate democracy is to arrest and torture activists, you must not have understood anything I have said or written so far.

Our sense of urgency isn’t based on naïveté. We know what and who we are dealing with. We know who; and what we are dealing with, when we ask for more for ourselves and our families.

So I say this as sincerely as I can be. And with all the honesty I can muster. I do not give a rats ass, what this Government does. In starting to speak up, I started to shed the fear of death, every passing day!

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard. It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.”

Now, if my movements are of any interest to you, for your arrest, then know this, On the 16th of this Month, I will be in Ghana. I will attending the Invitation of the Ambassador of Denmark to speak on a panel at the Danish Embassy.

Then the next day on the 17th, I will be giving a speech to the Deputy Ambassadors of all the European Embassies in Ghana. I will speak on State violence and the Deterioration of the Rule of Law in Ghana.

I will break the culture of silence again!

Arrest me when I come! Ideas never die! The quest for freedom is eternal. We have sown an idea and it will grow as ideas do.

Now, to those whose sense of justice and fairness has been awakened by my voice. Hear this. If I am ever arrested by the regime security or their affiliates, I beg this of you. Do not trend any hashtags, calling for them to release me. To do that will be legitimizing their violence and their false justice system.

Do not demand that I be released. I promise that I will not even demand that a writ of Habeas Corpus be filed for me.

Do something else instead.

Call for the end of the False Republic. Call for the end of a political system that has impoverished and made your lives meaningless.

Call for the end of the Old Ghana. Because for the New Ghana to be built. The old one must first give way!

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