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Denmark Resident Ghanaian Installed Chief

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 Source: --

Miss Anna Ekua Saakwa, a member of the Copenhagen City Council, in Denmark, was on Saturday enstooled as the chief of Apraponso in the Mpohor-Wassa Traditional Area of the Western Region under the stool name, Nana Ekua Bri II.

Swearing the customary oath to the chiefs and people at the Apraponso Royal Ground, Nana Ekua Bri, 53, held the state sword in her right hand, espoused the greatness, achievements and conquests of her ancestors and pledged to blaze their trail.?If I fail to continue the exploits of my ancestors and fail in my duty I contravene the Great Oath of Apraponso,? she declared.

The enthusiastic crowd that had gathered at the ground mobbed Nana Ekua Bri II as bare-chested youths carried her on their shoulders, while women besmeared her with powder, amidst wild cheers, waving of white handkerchiefs, singing appellations in her honour and dancing to traditional music.

Nana Ekua Bri II acknowledged the cheers by meticulously waving the right hand back and forth with majesty. Following her installation, the new chief would begin to study the palace structures, organisation and the history of her subjects, including etiquette, royal manners, speech and majestic walking.

With teaching aid models in the palace , the new chief would learn the whole complex tapestry of Apraponso custom and regal life, such as thoughts and speech control, gait and other forms of regal outlook.The Apraponso tradition also demands that new chiefs are schooled to recognise the sound of each drumbeat and how to dance to each sound or rhythm.

Nana Ekua Bri II, is also the chairman of African Foundation for Health, Information and Culture (AFHIC), a non-governmental organisation, based in Copenhagen, Denmark.Officials of the Danish Embassy, traditional rulers from the Western Region and a cross -section of the public and the clergy witnessed the ceremony.

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