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Do not allow foreign influence to destroy our culture

Sun, 23 Dec 2001 Source: gna

Mr Akwasi Adu Poku, District Chief Executive (DCE) for Ahafo-Ano North in Ashanti has called on Ghanaians to protect the country's culture by ensuring that it was not destroyed by foreign ones.

He noted that the increasing negative attitude by some of the youth had resulted in cases of armed robberies, rape and general lawlessness.

There was, therefore, the need to bring back some of the nation's culture, which could help to bring sanity into society.

Mr Adu Poku was speaking at the weekend at a workshop organised by the Centre for National Culture (CNC) for Queenmothers from the District at Tepa.

The workshop attended by about 50 Queenmothers aimed at educating them to re-introduce "Bragro", (Puberty Rites) as a means of curbing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancies.

He said there was the need to revive the relevant cultural practices to bring some sanity into society.

The DCE mentioned customary rites, which he said has been neglected and instead, adopted western style of marriage.

He said this has brought the high incidence of abortion, teenage pregnancies and the HIV/AIDS.

Mr S.F. Adjei, Deputy Ashanti Regional Director of the Centre enumerated some of the virtues in cultural practices and said the "Bragro" could go a long way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Nana Yaa Abrafi, Queenmother of Manfo Traditional Area urged the District Assembly to enact bye-laws to back traditional rulers to enforce the practice

Source: gna