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Duncan-Williams: No political party can own me

Duncan Williams Finger

Mon, 22 Sep 2014 Source:

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams has said no political party in Ghana can own him as a member.

The Christian Action Faith Ministries’ Founder said Sunday in Church that despite claims that he belongs to one party or the other–depending on which government is in power–he has no political affiliation nor supports any party in the country.

He told his congregation that his intercessions for the country’s heads of state and presidents over the years, have been misrepresented as political endorsement.

“During the time of Acheampong, I was criticised for praying for this country and praying for his government. I did that for the love of my country because I understand 1 Timothy 2: 1-3, and many other scriptures, and I do it because I love my country and I obey scripture,” Duncan-Williams said.

1 Timothy 2: 1-3 (New International Version) reads:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior.

“And I was criticised when president Limann came into office and they said: ‘Oh it’s because my father is CPP so they lambasted me over it’, and I said: ‘It doesn’t matter, it’s a heart issue, I have love for my country and I’ll stand in the gab and, it doesn’t matter how I’m misrepresented’. You see, doing the right thing can also get you into trouble. A lot of people think doing the right thing when you have a good heart, you’ll be fine. No no no no. You can be criticised and misrepresented and misunderstood. You can be stigmatised and scandalised for doing the right thing,” the charismatic cleric noted.

“Again when Rawlings came, I was criticised for praying for that government in those days–PNDC–then it became NDC. I was criticised for being NDC party [member]. Then came president Kufuor and then they said now I’m NPP; I’ve crossed carpet, then when Prof Mills came, they went and told prof Mills that I’m NPP, so I was chatting with him and he said: ‘Hey they said you are NPP’, and I said: ‘Have I ever been any party member? I don’t belong to any party. None of you can claim me. I’m redeemed by the blood of Jesus. My party is God’s kingdom, and love for my country’ ”.

“And some people went and told president Rawlings that: ‘Hey your friend is now NPP, then when Prof Mills came they said NDC, then came president Dramani Mahama, and they said: ‘Oh he’s NDC again’”.

He said he will not be daunted by the barrage of criticisms being hurled at him for praying for the nation and its leaders, since, according to him, it is a Biblical injunction to do so as a Christians.

“When another kingdom comes, unless I stop praying for the country and that government, and I start attacking and criticising them, as soon as I start doing that some people in opposition will love me. They’ll see me as a good man. But that’s not my calling. My calling is to pray for my country and those in authority. That’s what the Bible says.”

Duncan-Williams also told the congregation that he no more bothers himself about what people say about him.

“I’ve come to a place where, you know, it doesn’t bother me anymore about what people think of me and say because I lost my reputation a long time ago. I don’t have a reputation anymore. I don’t like being in the good books of men because I don’t trust men. The same people who will praise you and say: ‘Hosanna hosanna to the son of David’, are the same people who will say: ‘Crucify him crucify him’”.
