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EPA staff suspend demo to allow for stakeholders engagement

EPA Demooo.png EPA had declared an indefinite strike effective Friday, May 3, 2024.

Fri, 3 May 2024 Source:

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff have stated that they have suspended their intended demonstration on Friday, May 3, 2024, to allow for engagement by stakeholders.

The leadership of the Public Services Workers Union of the (EPA) had declared an indefinite strike effective Friday, May 3, 2024.

The move is in protest of what they describe as an attempt to eject the Executive Director for the EPA, Dr. Kingsly Krugu from his official residence for the new Interior Minister Henry Quartey.

However, in a statement, the Staff indicated that the demonstration has been called-off.

“This decision has been reached to pave the way for further engagements with key stakeholders, including the EPA Management and Governing Board, the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), the Ministry of Works and Housing, and the Ministry of Interior.

“It is our opinion that a constructive dialogue on this issue is essential to address the concerns and grievances raised by the Staff of the Agency,” the EPA Division of PSWU-TUC disclosed in a statement.

It continued: “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all EPA staff and the public for their unwavering Slip port so far. Your solidarity and understanding are deeply appreciated as we navigate through these challenging times.”

Attached below is the full statement:

Statement Issued by the EPA Division of Public Services Workers' Union (PSWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) on the Allocation of EPA Executive Director's Bungalow to the Minister of Interior, Mr. Henry Quartey

The EPA Division of PSWU ·- TUC wishes to inform all EPA Staff, the media, and the public that the planned staff demonstration scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, 3 rd May 2024 across its regional offices has been temporarily called off with immediate effect.

This decision has been reached to pave way for further engagements with key stakeholders, including the EPA Management and Governing Board, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Ministry of Works and Housing, and Ministry of Interior. It is our opinion that a constructive dialogue on this issue is essential to address the concerns and grievances raised by Staff of the Agency.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all EPA staff and the public for their unwavering Slip port so far. Your solidarity and undersJanding are deeply appreciated as we navigate through these challenging times.

EPA PSWU-TUC hold firm to the expectation that stakeholders involved in this matter will work assidiously and collaboratively to reach a win-win conclusion. It is our collective responsibility to ensure the well-being and conducive working environment for all public institutions particularly the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated to protected our environment.

In conclusion, we want to reiterate our commitment to dialogue, cooperation, and constructive engagement as we seek to address the concerns we have raised.

Thank you.

Signed: EPA Division of PSWU-TUC

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