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Easter Message From President Mills

Atta Mills President

Fri, 22 Apr 2011 Source: Office of president

Worldwide, Christians are remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This is a moment which allows us to take a break and do an assessment of what the death and resurrection of Christ means to us, and to make an assessment of whether we have also sacrificed enough to give positive meaning to what we have achieved as individuals and as a nation.

As Christians, this is a time to take stock and not only ask for forgiveness, but most importantly, commit ourselves to a more righteous way of life.

Let us use this Easter Season to spend time with family and pray for the Good Lord to shower his blessings upon our families and also upon this dear nation of ours.

Let us also remember our men and women in uniform who are on peacekeeping operations worldwide and pray for their safe return home.

It is my hope that during this period, we will pray for peace to come to our neighbouring countries that are swimming in turbulent waters.

I commend individuals, groups, and corporate entities that are reaching out to the needy at this time; this is certainly a virtue that gives a strong meaning to Christianity.

May God reward them for their kind gesture!

As we commute on our roads and highways, let us endeavour to keep to speed limits and respect traffic regulations in order to prevent wanton loss of precious lives.

My brothers and sisters, fellow Ghanaians, may the peace of God which passeth all understanding, rest and abide with all of us throughout this Easter season.

I wish every Ghanaian home and abroad a very reflective and restful Easter break and may we come out of it with a resurrected commitment to continue to build a Better Ghana.

Happy Easter.

John Evans Atta Mills (President, Republic of Ghana)

Source: Office of president