









Fallouts from Hackman's ¢600BN MOU


Tue, 5 Jun 2007 Source: ENQUIRER

….as Global Interest lawyer disowns Statesman story
…As Editor flip flops
Confusion is raging as to whether senior officials of the Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing forged a statement purporting that Global Interests LLC, acting through its lawyer, Gordon Cooper in Texas had responded to The Enquirer's stories and even threatened it with a law suit.

But Mr. Gordon Cooper, the Texas based lawyer with license number 04785000 issued in 09-20, 1971 and operating under company name Cooper & Cooper has disassociated himself from the purported statement attributed to him as per a Statesman newspaper report of May 22, 2007.

Under Ghanaian law, forgery and impersonation is a criminal offence.

Speaking in a in a telphone interview with The Enquirer, Mr. Cooper categorically denied that he was responsible for the statement and denied threatening any law suit against The Enquirer.

"I Gordon Cooper has not issued any Statetment, okay, I am not even aware of anything like that. I have not issued any statement, neither did I issue any statement when I was in Ghana. I admit am their General Counsel"

Mr. Cooper who was surprised about how The Enquirer got his Mobile telephone number told the Enquirer that since he was not the one who issued the statement, he was unable to comment on the details of what has been attributed to him.

When The Enquirer pressed for his comments on an upcoming stories about Global Interrests LLC, he said he was driving and that his battery was low at the same time. He however promised to return The Enquirer's call but by press time, he had not.

When The Enquirer contacted Gabby Asare Otchere Darko, The Editor-In-Chief of The Statesman newspaper on the source of the statement which formed the basis of the story he said he was not in the position to comment because it was dropped in their office by someone.

"We received the statement from someone whom we had no reason to doubt his connection to Global Interests" Gabby told The Enquirer. The purpoted Statement which was circulated to at least two newspaper houses, was not on Global Interests letterhead, neither was it on the letterhead of Gordon Cooper's law firm, Cooper & Cooper. It did not also bear the signature of Mr. Gordon Cooper. The second media house which also received a copy of the purported statement but did not run it also told The Enquirer that it was sent to them and admitted that they did not receive it directly from Gordon Cooper's office.

Meanwhile credible pointers that the said statement which was attributed to the Global Interests Lawyer was forged by certain top guns at the Ministry to discredit and to cow The Enquirer from its investigative reports on a ¢600 Bn, MOU, whose body smell is begining to get unpleasant. Coincidentally, the sector Minister's view on The Enquirer's story investigative reports is in the same as the originator of the forged statement.

It is recalled that The Statesman newspaper, in its May 22, 2007, run a story which stated inter alia that Gordon Cooper had issued a statement rubbishing "Raymond Archer's The Enquirer" and castigating them for ignorance.

" A statement issued by Global Interests' lawyer, Gordon Cooper yesterday, the company is threatening a libel suit, describing Enquirer stories about them as 'malicious and devoid of the truth" the Statesman reported.

The paper quoted Cooper as saying "If after conceding so much to the Honorable Minister to help the people of Ghana and all we get in the process is media bashing, then we have no option but to clear our names in the law court and proceed with the project to prove to all that we are capable of delivering delivering our promise to the Government of Ghana"

The Statesman report also said "It is obvious to us that the writters of the articles have something personal against the Minister and we Global Interests demand that we are not dragged into that as we have come to Ghana for Business."

The Statesman's, May 22, 2007 story was under the front page banner headline" US HOUSING COMPANY TO SUE it sets the the records straight." Read The Statesman full story below.

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