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GII engages women in fight against corruption

GII WOMEN PICS A cross-section of some tertiary students at the forum

Thu, 12 Mar 2020 Source: Ivan Heathcote-Fumador, Contributor

The Ghana Integrity Initiative has begun advocacy directed at raising the next generation of females to be at the forefront of the anti-corruption fight.

The GII has identified that women will be the best to speak up against acts of corruption; as Transparency International researches point to females as the worst affected by the canker.

A publication by Transparency International titled; "Gender and Corruption indicates that corruption is higher in countries where social institutions deprive women of their freedom to participate in social and public life.

According to the GII, matters like sextortion and misappropriation of public funds continue to deprive several women, children and the vulnerable of their rights, social amenities and resources.

The GII and its partners have hit tertiary institutions with women empowerment forums aimed at raising change makers who will blaze the trail in ensuring that corruption is reported and punished in Ghana.

The all-female sensitization forum brought together young women in tertiary institutions in Kumasi to be schooled on the manifestations of corruption and the available channels of redress.

Participants were taken through the global corruption perception report, the corruption perception indices and concepts like illegal acquisition of wealth, bribery and fraud, procurement breaches and illicit financial flow.

Mr Michael Boadi’s designation as a programme officer. Mr Michael Boadi is the Fundraising Manager of GII. Also, in paragraph 8 you attributed a statement to Mr. Boadi as saying that the Global Corruption Barometer 2019 says if women get involved in the fight against corruption we will make an impact. What Mr. Boadi said was that, according to the Global Corruption Barometer, if citizens of whom women are in the majority get involve in the fight against corruption Ghana would make a lot of progress.

He explained, “If you are looking for a movement to contribute to the fight against corruption, then the majority within the space who are women, will have more impact. When we released the global corruption barometer 2019, we reported that citizens are convinced that if women are involved in the fight against corruption we will be able to eliminate or reduce the corruption in our society.”

Mr Boadi also demanded a relook at the laws and conventions that criminalize corruption for a possible review considering the gender sensitivity of corruption and efforts needed to root it out.

The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice which has taken interest in the training sensitized the young ladies on the whistleblowers' act and how they can report issues of corruption and human rights abuses unanimously.

The unnerving subject of Sex for Grades coined by anticorruption campaigners as sextortion, abuse of public office, cheating and exam malpractices and sex for jobs took centre stage in the discussions of the day.

The young ladies, some of whom had already assumed leadership roles in their Schools described the forum as timely in making them more assertive in assuming their roles as anti-corruption campaigners.

A participant Sandrah Oppong Tawiah averred, “You will find one brilliant girl on campus and an unreasonable lecturer frustrating her life and she can’t speak because her grades is on the line. However, we have learnt that the GII has a toll free line that we can call for such help.”

An SRC Gender Commission for the KNUST Graduate Students Association Ruth DUKU TAKYI recounted how they had been enlightened to know the full scope of corruption beyond paying of bribes.

The forum held under the theme “Empowering Young Women to sustain the fight against corruption in Ghana” is to benefit females in tertiary students in the Ashanti, Volta and Northern Regions.

Source: Ivan Heathcote-Fumador, Contributor
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