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Gays and perverted Angels of Africa (part 2)

Fri, 12 Sep 2014 Source: joseph osei

Few months ago I wrote about Gays and religion, this is the second write up about the same subject.

? ?Christians expose their hypocrisy and naivety when they take to a radical opposition to the rights of gays. Many Christians, Muslims, the so-called defenders of the faith and of the traditional African values system have skeletons in their cupboards. Like most people they look kindly on their personal shortcomings and perverse behavior when under the cover of darkness but in the open they are vociferous in their condemnation of what they consider as abominable behavior in others.? ?What happened to the Christian principles of charity and compassion?

They forget that to obtain God's forgiveness and mercy they ought to be able to forgive everyone who "wrongs" them, steps on their toes or rub them the wrong way and be merciful in their dealings with their fellow humans. What do these people think of the Christian faith commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself" and Jesus' Sermon on the Mount teaching to love our "enemies"? Perhaps they read their bibles upside down or seldom or never read them and so miss yet another lesson on tolerance and forgiveness taught by the greatest teacher, Jesus, to the irate and intolerant accusers of the adulterous woman.

If the Christians care so much about the doctrinal virtues and righteousness their faith espouses then they must first remove the beam in their eyes. With an impaired eye sight they risk damaging someone else's eyesight.

The greatest threat to our continued existence as a sovereign nation and our nation's rapid industrialization and development is the unbridled corruption and greed that is eating away the fabric of society like some corrosive acid. When you consider that those of the christian and muslim faiths and adherents of the traditional religion constitute about 95 per cent of the population then saying that these religions fail to abide by their own principles and doctrines is a no brainer.

The pen and armed robbers are our neighbors on the church pews and across the aisle, in the mosque, and in the traditional society. We are where we are because of these so called purveyors of truth, virtue and righteousness who practise vice. Let them first set their corrupt and adulterous houses in order then we can proceed from that point.

What about the subtle adultery, fornication and prostitution among the congregation? These other vices are tearing apart and destroying families, the basic unit of society and the nation yet we're not making the loud noises about these as we ought to.

Oh my country Ghana! We've sunk so low that even armed robbers have reserved seats at the high table. They are the toast of society's functions. Gays and lesbians are normally peace loving and law abiding people so let's leave them alone and tackle the real issues that are a major threat to our existence for we must live to fight another day.

Source: joseph osei