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Ghana-Canada Association of BC News

Mon, 10 Dec 2007 Source: Quist-Adade, Charles

Ghana-Canada Association Donates to Flood Victims

The Ghana-Canada Association of BC (GCABC) has donated U$1,030 to flood victims in Northern Ghana. The donation was made on behalf of the association by GCABC Treasurer Mrs. Agatha Oppong and former GCABC Treasurer, Mr. Richard Oppong (pictured below). The donation was received on behalf of the flood victims by Ghanaian Deputy Minister of Defence, Mr. William Ofori Boafo at a brief ceremony in Accra on November 15.

The ceremony was covered by the local media. The photo below was first published in the Daily Graphic, Ghana’s largest circulating newspaper.

Torrential rains, which began in mid July this year, caused widespread flooding in the north east of Ghana leaving 30 people dead when their houses collapsed or from drowning or acute watery diarrhea.

The disaster also affected 17 African countries, most of them in the West African sub region, with Burkina Faso and Togo particularly hard-hit by the rains.

...And to Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation

Meanwhile, the GCBAC has also donated $500 to the Korle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation (KNBF). The donation was made during the foundation’s First Benefit Annual Table Tennis Tournament held at Kwantlen University College on November 10, 2007. The highly successful tournament raised more than $18,000. According Ms. Marjorie Ratel, chairperson of the foundation, all the proceeds will go toward the construction of a proposed Neuroscience Centre of Excellence in Accra.

The KBNF was founded in 2000 as a collaborative venture between Canadians and Ghanaians to establish a Centre of Excellence in Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurosciences to serve the West African sub-region.

VP Wins VIP Table Tennis Invitational Our own Vice-President, Mr. Kingsley Agyeman was crowned the “champion of champions” when he won both the single and double men’s tournament in the VIP invitational division of the First Benefit Annual Table Tennis Tournament held at Kwantlen University College on November 10, 2007.

GCABC Appeals for Participation in Coming Elections The Executive Council of the Ghana-Canada Association of British Columbia has called on members to attend and participate in the election of new officers on December 15 at Douglas College, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC on December 15 from 2-4PM.

The call contained in a letter signed by the association’s Public Relations Officer, Dr. Charles Quist-Adade, reminded members that the GCABC is a collective venture and appealed to them to work collectively to improve the economic and social wellbeing of all.

“We must move beyond ‘the partying and merry-making syndrome’ and begin to build a solid foundation of economic sustainability that will allow us to provide support services for our members, especially our youth and seniors,” the letter stated.

The letter ended with two classic sayings about participatory democracy, leadership, and service to the community.

“As one wise man said ‘Those who fail to elect their leaders are ruled by fools. Be part of this exciting democratic process. Stand up to be counted! Step forward to serve. Don't forget Jesus Christ's injunction: ‘The greatest among you must serve.’”

Annual Christmas Get-together on December 22

This year’s Annual GCABC Christmas Get-together is scheduled for Saturday, December 22 at the Executive Inn, 4201 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby, BC, V5C 3Y6. Members and friends of the GCABC, who have contributed in various ways to the association and Ghana, will be honoured at the party. For details and ticket information please, check our website:
Source: Quist-Adade, Charles