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Ghanaian Times: Wishing you Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

Christmass File: Christmas

Fri, 25 Dec 2020 Source:

Time flies, and indeed, all too soon another year is ending. We are taking a break from the newsstands today for the Christmas and return on January 5, 2021, with a renewed and refreshing editorial content.

It’s an opportune time to express our gratitude to you, our cherished readers, for your unalloyed patronage of the Ghanaian Times, as the reference point for your news, information and entertainment. We also extend same compliments to all Ghanaians.

We have worked tirelessly to keep you informed about issues bordering on your lives with our editorial content and helped to shape national discourse to better our lives.

The Ghanaian Times appreciates your feedback, and will continue to rely on it, to improve on our content in the coming years to serve you much better.

Undoubtedly, the year 2020 has been very challenging to humanity, with regard to the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2).

Coronavirus disease, code-named COVID-19, has claimed many lives and impacted negatively on economies of countries, including Ghana, bringing further untold hardships on people.

The disease has been with us for a year now, and indication is that the COVID-19 is resurging and mutating into new strains.

Fact is, we are not yet out of the woods, so, we must not lower our guard!

We commend the government, especially the President, for his constant touch with Ghanaians with the regular broadcasts of measures being taken to keep us safe from the disease.

The staff of Ghana Health Service also and others deserve thumbs-up for working so hard to contain the spread of the disease in the country.

Christmas comes with lots of social and religious gatherings, and as the citizenry celebrate the event, we implore them to be wary of the disease, continue to observe COVID-19 safety protocols of avoiding big gatherings, hand shaking, social distancing and regular hand washing.

We have come out of a relatively peaceful general election, though the ripple effects of the exercise are still with us.

The Ghanaian Times urges the Christian community to continue to pray for peaceful co-existence and tolerance in the country as we move forward as one people with a common destiny despite our diversities.

We must be guided by Theodore W. Higginsworth’s advice that “How the new year will turn out is entirely up to you. The attitude you bring, the determination you have, the goals you set all will result in the type of year that you will have. So, let your attitude be positive, your determination be strong.”

We have to be optimistic going into the new year, 2021, with a positive attitude towards national development, so that with determination and renewed efforts, we can make this country a better place for all of us!

Our daily lives hinge on the economy. This is why we need to work hard to ensure a buoyant and resilient economy that can keep us afloat.

We anticipate that next year will be tough, as economies throughout the world try to get back on track in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government of Ghana would be compelled to take tough decisions, all in the interest of the country.

But, in taking any such austerity measures, we urge the government to put in place mitigating measures, to cushion the vulnerable in society for the effects.

On the political front, we expect the three arms of government – executive, legislature and judiciary – to work together towards national development as we enter 2021 and during the year.

We are going to have a hung Parliament, a House of equal strength, next year. We urge both the Majority and Minority caucuses to cooperate in the spirit of national interest devoid of partisanship so that national progress will not be undermined.

Once again, we wish everyone in Ghana “Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!”
