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Ghanaian timeline since independence

Fri, 8 Dec 2000 Source: null

Herewith a chronology of key events in Ghana from when the country gained independence in 1957 to this weekend's presidential poll:

MARCH 6, 1957:

-The former Gold Coast becomes the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to achieve independence from a European power, ending over 80 years as a British colony to become Ghana and a full Commonwealth member.

-Kwame Nkrumah, prime minister since 1952, becomes its first president.


-Accra hosts a Pan-African conference that decides to support independence movements throughout Africa.

JULY 1 1960:

-Ghana becomes a republic and Nkrumah takes on the title of Osagyefo, or Redeemer, promoting "African socialism."

1961 to 1964:

-Nkrumah survives several assassination attempts after imposing severe austerity measures.

-He practices political repression and gags all opposition groups, and his Convention Peoples' Party (CPP) becomes the only authorized political party.

FEBRUARY 24, 1966:

-Nkrumah, on a visit to Beijing, is overthrown by a military-police coup and goes into exile in Guinea.

JANUARY 13, 1972:

-Coup d'Etat led by Lieutenant-Colonel Ignatius Acheampong.

JUNE 4, 1979:

-Captain Jerry Rawlings overthrows General Akuffo, who held power since ousting Acheampong in 1978.

-Rawlings carries out "cleansing" policies that include execution of several generals -- including three former presidents.

-In September he cedes the top post, as promised, to elected president Hilla Limann.

DECEMBER 31, 1981:

-Rawlings stages another coup and creates the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC).

-In 1982 Ghana becomes the first African state to implement a plan to restructure its economy, and is approved by international financial institutions.

-Social repercussions of the plan spark criticism within the country.

NOVEMBER 3, 1992:

-Rawlings is confirmed as president following the first democratic elections in 13 years, after opposition parties are approved.

-The opposition contests the results however, and boycotts legislative elections one month later.

JANUARY 7, 1993:

-Proclamation of the Fourth Republic after 11 years of military rule.


-Inter-ethnic clashes in the north leave around 2,000 people dead and 150,000 displaced. 200 villages are torched and a state of emergency is declared.

MAY 11, 1995:

-Fighting breaks out in Accra between government supporters and opponents protesting unemployment and the high cost of living. Five people are killed.

NOVEMBER 1, 1996:

-The constitution is amended to reinforce presidential powers.

DECEMBER 7, 1996:

-Rawlings wins a second and final presidential mandate and his National Democratic Council (NDC) wins 133 of 200 seats in parliament in elections considered free and fair.

MARCH 23, 1998:

-US President Bill Clinton visits Accra during a tour of African nations.

-In February 1999, Rawlings makes a return visit to the United States.

MAY 13, 1998:

-Togo and Ghana seal their reconciliation after 30 years of mutual distrust. Both sides suspected each other of supporting opponents in their respective countries.

APRIL 29, 2000:

-Vice President John Atta Mills is designated as presidential candidate by the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). John Kufuro is nominated by the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP). In November, clashes break out among militants from the two groups in several towns across the country.

DECEMBER 7, 2000

- Ghanaians vote in presidential and legislative elections that will herald the end to the 19-year rule of Jerry Rawlings, the onetime coup-maker who served eight years as elected president.

Source: null