









Ghanaians are hypocrites – Kwame Jantuah

Kwame Jantuah 3 Kwame Jantuah, Legal practitioner and energy expert

Sat, 23 Jun 2018 Source:

Legal practitioner and energy expert, Kwame Jantuah has chastised Ghanaians for their hypocrisy when it comes to issues bothering on corruption.

Speaking on TV3’s New Day on Saturday, Kwame Jantuah indicated that Ghanaians are quick to point accusing fingers at individuals involved in corrupt practices although many of them are equally involved in one corrupt act or the other.

According to him, corruption is rampant in many offices across the country except that it is not out there in the open for all to see like in the case of political figures or government appointees.

“Kwesi Nyantakyi’s problem has come and we are all talking about it, is there no petty corruption in the offices we are? When you go to the offices and people need to do something for you, do they not expect you to pay something?” he questioned.

He stated that every act of corruption ought to be dealt with equally in order to ensure that the menace is properly eradicated in the country.

“Corruption comes grand, petty and political; these are the three strands of corruption we have, and we have to shout at every type of corruption,” he urged.

According to the legal practitioner, one of the major challenges confronting the country has got to do with how much workers are paid.

He said although the issue of low wages does not provide enough reason for one to be corrupt, it is important that workers are paid well to enable them fend for their respective families and not be lured into engaging in corrupt practices.

“We need to be able to look at how we are paying workers in this country, because that is the beginning of the problem. I am not saying that is why people are corrupt, but at least the quantum of corruption would be less.”

He noted that the level of corruption in Ghana is huge, and it is important that government fasten its belt in dealing with the issue.

“Look at the quantum of corruption in this country and juxtapose that with those who have been caught. How many people have been caught for corruption, very few have gone to court and have been jailed,” he noted.

Kwame Jantuah further called on President Akufo-Addo to put measures in place to gauge public perception on corruption as well as issues bothering the citizenry instead of solely relying on his ministers and appointees.

“Those people who surround themselves around the president do no tell him the truth. They do not tell him what is happening, and that makes him think everything is cozy.”

The legal practitioner insisted that the president should have people outside those close to him to tell him the hard truth.

“For instance, Nkrumah had people in the market that would come and brief him, so ministers in that regime were very careful how they approach him. It looks as if what our presidents are fed is not what is happening on the ground. He should not take what the people are saying hook, line and sinker.”

He also charged the president to involve appropriate authorities in dealing with issues of corruption.

“If you say you’re handling corruption, carry us along and let us know what you are doing. When issues come, stand aside and give it to those who are supposed to prosecute, do not come in as a party,” Kwame Jantuah cautioned.

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