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God will lead his People to a Place of Divine Fulfillment - Prophet Owusu

Prophet Eric@dynamic Church

Sat, 14 Jan 2012 Source:

In 2012, God will lead his People to a Place of Divine Fulfillment - Prophet Eric K. Owusu

The year 2012 is the year God is going to lead his people to a place of divine fulfillment. This is a place where God's promise to His people become abound. This was a message delivered by Prophet Eric Kofi during a New Year's eve service on December 31st at Holy Fire Dynamic Word International Church ushering in the year; 2012.

He said; When the children of Israel were entering into the land of Jericho (One of their promises) they met an obstacle right at the brink of their breakthrough; the river Jordan. The land was flowing with milk and honey, however there was one impediment serving as a preventive measure for the enemy.

Many at times, the enemy places obstacles right the shores of blessings in order to discourage us of taking what the Lord has in place for us. But God spoke to his servant Joshua to order the priest to lead the people of Israel and bear the covenant ark in front of them and let the priests set their feet in Jordan (Joshua 3). Miraculously, the Jordan parted into two as soon as their feet made contact with the brim of the waters. Let us assume that the priest as Jesus and the ark as the everlasting covenant God has with us.

This year, 2012 if God's people will allow Jesus to step into their waters (signifying problems), he will lead us through any situation and bring us to a place of fulfillment and divine abundance.

The number 12 is a significant number. The woman with the issue of blood was healed in the 12th year of her affliction. In the book of Revelation chapter 21, God prepared a new Jerusalem (a place of promise) for His people and significantly, the city had 12 gates with 12 angels at each gate, and the names of the 12 tribes of Israel written on each gate. I can see your name being written on a special promise God has for you.

The Lord told Abraham his seed (God's people) shall possess the gates of their enemies. May you possess all that the enemy has taken from you over the years in 2012.

Connect yourself prophetically, and believe God for a supernatural overflow this year. There is healing, financial breakthrough, impartation of grace, divine enablement and marvelous miracles in store for this year. I see Jesus bearing the ark in the middle of Jordan waiting on you. What are you waiting for?

The packed congregation were invited to cross the long white line made at the church as a symbolism of crossing the River Jordan. This particular moment occurs every year at the church as God taking away every burden from everyone.

Prophet Owusu ending his message gave two prophecies and asked the congregation to note it for future reference. He gave predictions in the upcoming US and Ghana elections that God has already chosen the winners and explained briefly who they are. He asked prayers for the two countries for a success and peaceful election.

The church starts a 21 day fasting from first week of March.

