









I'm sad for Ghana -Mpiani

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Thu, 1 Apr 2010 Source: Chronicle

THE EX Chief of Staff and Presidential Affairs Minister, Mr. Kwadwo Mpiani, has expressed fears for the future of the country, cautioning that Ghana could move towards the path of destruction and anarchy if the current state of victimization and vindictiveness of former public officers persist.

Mr. Mpiani says he feels sad for Ghana, particularly for the next generation of leaders because the country is threading on the path of vengeance and vilification, which according to him would set a bad precedence for the young ones.

The Ex-Chief of Staff, who is one of four former state officials standing trial allegedly for willfully causing financial loss to the state, said it is very worrying to note that witch-hunting and persecution of former state officials have now taken the center stage in the government’s agenda at the expense of pursuing policies and programmes which will help alleviate the plight and sufferings of the masses.

Mr. Mpiani noted in an interview on Angel FM in Kumasi that a very bad precedence is being set in the country, which according to him, would not encourage the spirit of commitment and patriotism in people who wish to serve their country.

Reacting to a question as to whether he has regretted serving the country as a Presidential Staffer, Mr. Mpiani answered in the negative, saying he executed his job diligently and with the deepest dedication and loyalty. He however said his regret was for the young generation because he believes the future is very bleak and holds nothing better for them.

The former Chief of Staff is among personnel of the previous NPP administration, including the former Roads and Transport Minister, Dr. Richard Anane, Dr. Anthony AkotoOsei and Mr. Sammy Crabbe, ex-Finance Minister and Greater Accra Regional chairman of the NPP respectively, who have been hauled before court for their alleged complicity in the formation of Ghana International Airlines and the liquidation of the then Ghana Airways.

They are to answer charges of stealing, causing financial loss to the state and fraud in the handling of the then state airliner. Mr. Mpiani has meanwhile stated that he would expect the judiciary to exhibit fair and transparency devoid of any form of interference.

According to him, he believes that he has done nothing wrong in terms of the role he played in the diversification of the state airliner, and hoped that justice would eventually vindicate him.

Meanwhile, the former Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Dr. Anthony AkotoOsei has also declared his innocence in the charges being leveled against him.

He has, therefore, assured the people of Kumasi, particularly residents in his constituency not to feel worried since he believes he did nothing wrong as far as the handling of affairs of Ghana Airways was concerned.

Source: Chronicle