









Imam predicts doom in 2011

Haiti Aid 1

Wed, 22 Dec 2010 Source: TODAY

The Spiritual Leader of the Salawatia Muslim Mission of Ghana, Sheihu Imam Rashid Hussein Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, has revealed that natural disasters such as landslides, earthquakes, storms, thunders, volcanic eruptions and floods would occur in the country and entire world in 2011.

According to Salawat Qutubu Az-zamaan, the disasters are expected to occur “as a result of the unbalanced nature of the world where there is too much weight to one side.” He averred that the situation can only be prevented if huge pyramids are constructed along the equator. He stressed that Ghana could escape the world disaster if President Mills allows Muslim leaders to recite the Holy Quran 220 times, slaughter 7 white and 6 brown cows to feed the poor and provide $490,000 as alms to the needy in society.

The renowned Islamic scholar made the prophecy at the Rashiddiya Mosque in Tamale last Sunday when addressing this year’s Ayaam U1-Lah. “The 2011 year will also be a year of prosperity and blessings where there will be plenty of agricultural produce around the world. Businesses will flourish in some countries, while some will overcome their economic difficulties and other challenges,” Imam Rashid Hussein told the congregation.

The spiritual leader’s predictions about the future of the world have over the years come to reality. In 2009, for instance, he revealed that 2010 will experience a lot of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, wind fires, air crashes, volcanoes, epidemics severe weather conditions and many deaths among the youth. Continuing, he intoned that prominent politicians and chiefs would pass away in 2011, if principles of “Unfolding the Scriptures” are not properly adhered to. The Islamic concept of Unfolding the Scriptures is an old Islamic ritual or tradition, where every year scriptures from the Holy Quran are revealed to depict the future.

Revelations of such nature are referred to as “Ayaam U1-lah” to wit “Days of Allah.” The ritual, which coincides with the fire festival in the Islamic calendar and comes at the end of the every year, usually brings together thousands of Islamic believers to a chosen destination.

He stated that one of the most outstanding blessings of the Almighty Allah is that he has in his infinite mercy bestowed knowledge of Ayaam U1-lah upon mankind. The renowned spiritual leader stressed that in the case of Unfolding the Scriptures in particular, the ignorant are exempted and those who disbelieve the days of Allah are punished.

Quoting the Holy Quran chapter 45 verse 14 to buttress his prophecy, he said it is important stringent measures are put in place to prevent the calamities.

In view of his divine verse, Sheihu Rashid Qutubu Az-zamaan urged the Muslim Ummah, who believes in the Days of Allah, to forgive those who lack knowledge of the divine revelations. He again called on Muslim leaders and scholars, especially in Africa, to collaborate with world scientists to unearth useful technologies to make life much more comfortable.

Source: TODAY