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It is wrong for members to demand tithe refunds - Bishop E.O Ansah

Sdv Bishop E.O Ansah, Presiding Bishop of Kingdom Life Ministries

Tue, 14 Feb 2023 Source:

The Presiding Bishop of Kingdom Life Ministries, Bishop E.O Ansah, has stated that paid tithes to the church should not be demanded back from the church by members, no matter the circumstances that may arise.

Speaking in an interview on NyankontonMu Nsem on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm, the respected man of God stated that it is wrong for members to demand a refund of their paid tithes.

He explained that paid tithes are financial resources used to support God’s work.

“The church is not a bank where you can save and later demand your paid tithes or any other financial support you gave the church because you are angry and want to leave. It is not Ecobank or Barclays. It is God’s warehouse. So, if you examine what God has done for you and later demand that your financial support to the church be refunded, what would you do if God also took your life? It’s not right.”

He was quick to add, however, that the church must be accountable to the members for how the tithes collected were spent.

Bishop E.O. Ansah said it is the responsibility of the leader of the church to educate members and explain to them the need for them to pay tithes.

”It is the responsibility of pastors to teach tithing very well for members to understand so that they do tithing with understanding and reap the benefits of open heavens.”

”As pastors who believe in tithing, you should have patience and the time to teach your members tithing,” he stressed.

When asked if the church could use some of the tithes collected to help poor members of the congregation, he said yes.

“It is critical to support the vulnerable who are church members. When Christ was on earth, he supported and helped the poor, and as Christians who follow his teachings, we have a responsibility to do the same for the poor. There is no better place for the poor to seek assistance than the house of God. As pastors, we have a responsibility to make room and provision for those who are disadvantaged, as well as to find ways to create employment and assist people in starting businesses.

“Ignoring the economic aspect and focusing solely on the spiritual aspect indicates that the organisation is incomplete. That is why some people leave the church and seek help from ungodly sources.”

He suggested that churches form finance committees to oversee the church’s finances and report to members as needed.

“I am not one of those pastors who have tithe booths in their cars. The finance committee would be in charge of tracking how the church’s funds were spent. It must be transparent in order for church members to be confident.”

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