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It’s biblical to pray for our Presidents – Duncan-Williams

Rawlings Mahama Kufuor Prayer

Sun, 30 Mar 2014 Source: xyz

General Overseer of the Christian Action Faith Ministries (CAFM), Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams says it is a biblical injunction for Christians to pray for their nation’s leaders.

The Charismatic preacher has therefore urged Ghanaians to put aside their political affiliations and pray for President John Mahama and his government to succeed.

He said in Church on Sunday March 30, 2014, in a sermon monitored by XYZ News, that it is important Ghanaians prayed for the president, his family and government because: “According to Scripture, irrespective of your political persuasions or beliefs, all these mentalities we have about: ‘I belong here’; we don’t belong anywhere.”

“We are first Ghanaians. And according to Scripture, whether you are in opposition or your party is in government, He [God] said: ‘I exalt therefore that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks, be made for all men, humanity. Two, for Kings, Presidents, plural, Presidents and for all that are in authority that we may live a quiet and a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty,” the presiding Bishop added.

“So quiet peaceable life, godliness, honesty [are] only guaranteed when prayers are offered for Presidents and those in authority,” Archbishop Duncan-Williams preached.

In his view, failure to do so would mean “quietness, which is a sense of tranquility and peace, and honesty and godliness, [are] denied a nation and denied a people.”

“So please put aside all your political arguments and follow Scripture if you are a believer because I have issues with all these arrogant Christians who have their commitment first to their parties than to God and their nation. It is love for nation before anything else. And if you love this country, you won’t wait for 2016 before you pray. You’ll pray now,” he admonished.

“…I want us to pray for the President. I want us to pray for his family, his government. I want us to pray that God will grant him wisdom to move this nation in the right direction. That he’ll have wisdom and courage to do what is required of him as President without fail. And thirdly that he’ll deliver his promise to the people of Ghana without fail. We need that. We can’t wait for 2016. All these things that people say [that] ‘let them fail, when a new government comes’; we don’t have time for a new government to come. We need change right now. Let the new change be determined when that time comes but right now he made a pledge to Ghanaians, he must deliver, and our prayers can compel him to deliver.”

Source: xyz