









JJ dominates Ghanaian media once again

07.07 Rawlings

Sat, 5 Jul 2008 Source: Pana

... even the silence of Rawlings is big news
Anytime former President Jerry John Rawlings speaks, he do minates the media and last Tuesday's press conference he held to talk about a wide range of political issues in the country was not different.

Rawlings' nickname since 2001 is "Dr Boom", following a speech he delivered warning government that there could be an explosion (boom) if it dropped its guard.

The charismatic former leader, who speaks his mind anytime and anywhere, is loved or hated, depending on where one stands on the political scene in Ghana.

Indeed, even the silence of Rawlings is big news and he has said Ghanaian newspapers sell their newspapers out of him.

At the press conference held on Republic Day, Rawlings lashed out at President John Agyekum Kufuor and his ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), accusing them of us i ng class war, divide and rule, fraud, violence and intimidation to keep themselves in office.

"There is too much injustice in the system and the NPP is testing the ability of the nation to resist their corrupt government," Rawlings, said.

He also criticised the jailing of several of his former ministers and senior officials, including Tsatsu Tsikata, former Chief Executive of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, for willfully causing financial loss and said this was part

of a plot to create fear in the citizens to prevent the public from resisting the NPP's intended fraud in the forthcoming elections.

He did not spare his own party, NDC, saying the members have not been listening to his counsel.

And not being a man who is particularly loved by the media, which is dominated by his critics because of strict controls he imposed on the media in the 1980s and the jailing of some journalists, coverage of the 1 July press conference followed the same pattern – love or hate.

"The Real NDC is back as Rawlings 'booms' again", was the main story of the pro-government Statesman newspaper.

The Chronicle, another pro-government newspaper, said: "JJ throws tantrums – says NPP is using intimidation to stay in power."

For its part, yet another pro-government newspaper, the Accra Daily Mail said "NPP's response to Rawlings' lawlessness".

The Crusading Guide said "JJ's hypocrisy exposed as he confuses himself with nebulous and dubious populism philosophies" while another story of the paper had th e headline "Republic Day boom – Rawlings blows Mills".

Also, the pro-Rawlings Ghana Palaver's headline said "Rawlings pours out his heart as he chastises NDC".

The headline of state-owned Daily Graphic read, "NDC must speak out – Rawlings", while another state-owned newspaper, the Ghanaian Times said "Tsatsu's sentencing is NPP plot – Rawlings" In its story, the Statesman said after a long period of silence, Jerry John Rawl ings, the founder of the biggest opposition political party in the country, has r esurfaced with another boom speech that sought to castigate the ruling New Patriotic Party, headed by President John Agyekum Kufuor.."

The Crusading Guide in its story wrote: "Ex-president Jerry Rawlings last Tuesday reaffirmed his inordinate desire for power and his hatred for President Kufuor and his NPP when he showered unprintable insults on them.."

Many people believe the outbursts of Rawlings must have forced his party to do some public relations "clean-up" and the newspapers will have a lot to feast on for the next few weeks.

Source: Pana