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Kufuor Joins Amin & Bokassa

Kufuor National Honour

Tue, 8 Jul 2008 Source: The Insight

President John Agyekum Kufuor has finally joined the league of the Bokasas and Idi Amins of African politics. He has given the highest national honour to himself with all smiles and pomp. Obviously he could not trust the verdict of the people on his administration so he decided to proclaim himself the greatest.

The award, the Order of the Star and Eagles, was ceremoniously handed over to Mr. Kufuor by the Chief Justice of Ghana amid appellations usually reserved for chiefs and traditional authority. The irony is that President Kufuor himself explained that the award would be given to the Presidents as they assume duty with a replica of the colour being presented when they are leaving office and if they so wish.

President Kufuor assumed office more than seven years ago and he has five more months to go as head of state. In the 1960s Kufuor and his Danquah traditional accused Ghana’s first president Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of cultivating a personality cult because his photographs were hanged in public buildings. An obviously satisfied and happy President Kufuor told his audience that it is not easy to be President. Who can doubt this when President Kufuor spends more time traveling around the world and sleeping in the most expensive hotels instead of fighting corruption at home. President Kufuor must be a very tired man and it is just as good he is going home and will return no more to the seat of government.

Listen to President Kufuor:

“The law establishing the award of national honours did not provide specially for an order for the Head of State, which is the highest office of the land. Today I wish to announce that by the powers vested in me by the constitution as President and Head of State of the Republic and after wide consultation, I have instituted a new order solely for Presidents of the Republic. It will be known as the Grand Order of the Star and Eagles of Ghana as symbolized in the nation’s Coast of Arms to compliment the State Sword which is currently the main symbol of office.

“The Order of the Star and Eagles is to be the highest order of the nation. Henceforth, every new president will be given the colour of the order as he or she is sworn into office. And this order will be worn on all formal national occasions. On successful completion of a term of office, the President will be presented with a replica of the colour, if he or she so desires. This is the rational governing my decision to institute the Order of the Star and Eagles of Ghana as the top of all the state awards created since 1960. This order will be conferred on the president by the Chief Justice.”

President John Agyekum Kufuor has finally joined the league of the Bokasas and Idi Amins of African politics. He has given the highest national honour to himself with all smiles and pomp. Obviously he could not trust the verdict of the people on his administration so he decided to proclaim himself the greatest.

The award, the Order of the Star and Eagles, was ceremoniously handed over to Mr. Kufuor by the Chief Justice of Ghana amid appellations usually reserved for chiefs and traditional authority. The irony is that President Kufuor himself explained that the award would be given to the Presidents as they assume duty with a replica of the colour being presented when they are leaving office and if they so wish.

President Kufuor assumed office more than seven years ago and he has five more months to go as head of state. In the 1960s Kufuor and his Danquah traditional accused Ghana’s first president Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of cultivating a personality cult because his photographs were hanged in public buildings. An obviously satisfied and happy President Kufuor told his audience that it is not easy to be President. Who can doubt this when President Kufuor spends more time traveling around the world and sleeping in the most expensive hotels instead of fighting corruption at home. President Kufuor must be a very tired man and it is just as good he is going home and will return no more to the seat of government.

Listen to President Kufuor:

“The law establishing the award of national honours did not provide specially for an order for the Head of State, which is the highest office of the land. Today I wish to announce that by the powers vested in me by the constitution as President and Head of State of the Republic and after wide consultation, I have instituted a new order solely for Presidents of the Republic. It will be known as the Grand Order of the Star and Eagles of Ghana as symbolized in the nation’s Coast of Arms to compliment the State Sword which is currently the main symbol of office.

“The Order of the Star and Eagles is to be the highest order of the nation. Henceforth, every new president will be given the colour of the order as he or she is sworn into office. And this order will be worn on all formal national occasions. On successful completion of a term of office, the President will be presented with a replica of the colour, if he or she so desires. This is the rational governing my decision to institute the Order of the Star and Eagles of Ghana as the top of all the state awards created since 1960. This order will be conferred on the president by the Chief Justice.”

Source: The Insight
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