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Kwaku Baako Defends Akufo-Addo’s Addiction

Tue, 14 Feb 2012 Source: The Informer

Predictable Kwaku Baako …

As He Shamelessly Defends Akufo-Addo’s Addiction To Drugs & Drug Barons!!!

News Desk Report

Mr. Abdul Malik Kwaku Baako, the quintessential propagandist of the NPP, and leader of the now toothless Coffee Shop Mafia, true to prediction, is out in the open defending the indefensible.

The so-called crusading journalist that he claims to be, Mr. Kwaku Baako has not made any qualms that he prefers a junkie to a near-saint, when it comes to deciding who must manage the affairs of state. In the wake of the arrest of Christian Asem Darkey, a cocaine trade suspect; and the revelation that Akufo-Addo’s drug baron brother-in-law, Raymond Amankwah, was operating on a Diplomatic Passport issued him by Nana Akufo-Addo, Mr. Malik Kwaku Baako, yesterday tried in vain to pooh-pooh the Daily Graphic’s Monday story about Raymond Amankwah.

In yesterday’s edition of the New Crusading Guide, Kwaku Baako sought to create the erroneous impression that the story carried in the Monday edition of the Daily Graphic as regards Raymond Amankwah’s use of a Diplomatic Passport, was a dead story that the Crusading Guide carried in 2007.

In other words, Kwaku Baako wanted to create the impression that Graphic was reproducing a dead story which had to do with an ordinary passport and not a diplomatic passport.

Kwaku Baako only succeeded in exposing his shamelessness as he was only on a propaganda binge to save Akufo-Addo from sinking deeper into his strong association to drugs and drug barons.

It is matter of fact that Raymond Amankwah was travelling on a diplomatic passport given him by Akufo-Addo, then Ghana’s Foreign Minister, to facilitate his (Amankwah’s) drug business; and Kwaku Baako cannot change that fact! No amount of lifeless propaganda by Kwaku Baako and his Coffee Shop assigns, however, will be able to save Nana Akufo-Addo from the huge drugs tag hanging around his neck.

With the busting of Raymond Amankwah, as well as revelations that Amankwah was travelling on a Ghanaian Diplomatic Passport, issued him by Nana Akufo-Addo, it is coming to light that the over 50 Diplomatic Passport booklets that were supposedly stolen from Nana Akufo-Addo’s office when he became a Foreign Minister in the Kufuor NPP administration, were deliberately distributed like confetti to drug barons and their couriers. Indeed, considering the fact that a known ex-convict, Yaw Amfo-Kwakye, was Akufo-Addo’s Special Assistant, when the latter was Foreign Affairs Minister, it stands to reason that one of the main duties of the Special Assistant was to make the country’s Diplomatic Passports available to his drug baron colleagues. It was under the watch of Kufuor, Akufo-Addo, and the Narcotics Peddlers Party (NPP), that Ghana got disgracefully christened as the Cocaine Coast.

It would be recalled that the selfsame Malik Kwaku Baako was caught pants down and stripped naked, when he attempted to use a fake internet link to lie that Akufo-Addo had met with David Cameron when that was not the case.

When he was busted by some vigilant media houses and the NDC’s communications machinery for attempting to throw dust into the eyes of the public in order to shore up Akufo-Addo’s dead image, Malik Kwaku Baako rushed to Peace FM to render a lame apology; claiming that he was on leave and so was not directly responsible for the publication.

Certainly, Malik Kwaku Baako is no longer enjoying “waa-waa-waa” from the state largesse as he used to, during the 8 years of Kufuor’s thieving and looting tenure, and so, there is a desperate attempt to get Nana Akufo-Addo into the high office of President “at all cost”, so that only a few people can feed fat off the state, while many kids continue to go to school under trees.

Source: The Informer