









Lens: Why Kufuor Is Not Backing Aliu

Kufuor ArrivesfromG8summit

Tue, 30 Oct 2007 Source: Lens monitoring Desk Report,

Vice President Aliu Mahama knows why his boss, President Kufuor, is not backing his bid to become the next President of Ghana.

Veep Aliu says it is all down to the fact that he is a northerner and a muslim.

The Vice President was speaking last Friday to a group of chiefs and opinion leaders in Tamale as part of a ten day campaign tour of the region.

Specifically, Veep Aliu Mahama, who was unable to be present when the chief of Tamale, the Da-Kpema, died recently, was using the occasion to present his condolences and also to congratulate and pay homage to the newly installed regent.

The Vice President stated that the practice in all democracies is for the President to give his backing to his Vice. He cited the examples of Mandela/Mbeki, Clinton Al Gore and Rawlings/Atta Mills as cases in point.

According to Veep Aliu, President Rawlings’ support for Mills has been such that years after the NDC left office, Prof Mills continues to enjoy massive support within the NDC on account of that backing.

He bitterly lamented that in the case of President Kufuor, not only is he not supporting him who has been his Vice over these seven years but he is supporting another candidate who worked under the two of them.

Veep Aliu, who was virtually close to tears, explained that the president’s failure to back him can only, be due to the fact that he was a northerner and a muslim.

Even in artisanal shops, tailoring shops and fitting shops, the practice is to have the senior apprentice taking over from the master, the Vice President explained.

Asking the blessings of the chiefs on his presidential bid, Veep Aliu Mahama entreated the Chiefs and people to understand the tribal and religious factors militating against him and help him to achieve victory despite the odds

Source: Lens monitoring Desk Report,