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Let the Lip-Service be a thing of the past - Ghana Police

Fri, 26 Nov 2010 Source: Samuel Donkor

Let the Lip-Service and 9-day wonder syndrome be a thing of the


- Ghana Police

by Samuel Donkor

Once upon a time, before the ousted of the first Republic, the Ghana Police

service was noted for discipline, high moral and ethical standards,and rated the

best in sub-saharan Africa, is today a demoralised service, plagued with

indiscipline, low morals, corruption and many other negative actions that go to

soil the image of the service and had lost the confidence of the people.

All this has come about, because of the total neglect of the service for many

years to the lowest level by previous administrations since 1966, including the

NDC era.

During this administration, even though the Police Service lacked 85% inputs,

coupled with low standards and morals, indiscipline and corruption, the

administration made efforts to instill discipline, initiated measures to raise

standards and boost morals to raise the image, but all these efforts became a

9-day wonder syndrome, which could not be sustained and died away, leaving the

service to sink slowly.

The previous NPP administration also initiated measures to equip and update the

service during its term, but was not enough. More needs to be done during this

time due to the enormous needs of the service.

The recent declaration by the Police authority and government to raise the

standard and image of the service as early as possible, despite constrains in

equipments and material support and other factors, while awaiting government's

immediate actions on inputs and materials to support , is a welcome news to the


I write you the truth; No matter how much inputs of equipments and training that

are given to the service, it will not achieve the expected results, if the

personnel do not change their dubious characters and negative attitudes, human

rights abuse and corrupt practices. These negative attitudes and unprofessional

conducts are legacies of 34 years unconstitutional and autocratic rule and


It is many years now, since the public lost confidence in the service,

especially their corrupt attitudes and brutalities towards victims and

complainants during the course of their work. False allegations, distortion of

informations, extortions and manhandling of less priveledged and not well to do

complainants and suspects, has for many years been the unofficial order and

practice of the Police service.

The most inhumane acts and practices detested and complaints made by the public,

is the dirty slapings and kickings meted out to suspects who dared questioned

their arrest or asked for their right to know. Human rights abuses is very

common in our police stations all over the country.The use of the police by the

rich, cronies,and priveledged in the society to maltreat and abuse innocent

ordinary people's right is another matter.

The people of Ghana therefore hope and trust that, the vision envisaged in the

police administration's programs and plans to instill discipline, efficiency,

professionalism and also raise standards to recapture the past glorious image of

the service is welcome,but pray that it never again becomes another 9-day wonder

syndrome or lip-service, now that the present government has resolved to equip

and raise the image of the service as also promised during it's campaign to

power. The people have heard many such promises,over and over before, without

any fufillment

In reality, for many years now, the rule of law has eluded Ghanaians and the

Ghana police had been a thorn in the flesh of the citizenry. It had failed where

it should had helped. It failed to protect the ordinary citizen, where it was

needed most and rather helped to perverse justice, protecting only the rich and


I write you the truth, the major factor to a successful police service is a

cordial relationship with the people in the communities individually and

communually and the confidence of the people in the service depending on

approach and human relation, which our personnel lack. Instead of serving the

people as public servants, they rather lord themselves over the people and

scaring would be informants.

We wish the government and the police administration successes in their efforts

to raise the image of the service and bring it to a human face and international

standard once more.

I write you the truth; 'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a

man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians6:7 .

This subject was once dealt with on 27th/01/03

Samuel Donkor mob: 0242 809352

Source: Samuel Donkor