









MI5 Bugged ACP Boakye's House

MI5 Building

Thu, 7 Sep 2006 Source: The Enquirer

The latest twist to the saga of the source of the secret recording is a revelation from a senior intelligence officer that the recording was orchestrated by the British Intelligence. Sources say that Kofi Boakye’s official residence which was under construction and refurbishment was bagged by invisible hands.

According to the Enquirer’s Intel sources, it is suspected that the British intelligence also distributed copies of the taped conversation to close security officers who were collaborators of the sensational recording. There had been earlier indications that the house might have been bugged and there were more than one recording. After carefully listening to the tape, it became evident to observers that there was another microphone in the room, possibly in the living room of ACP Boakye, where carpenters were doing refurbishment.

The distance between the location of the meeting was about 30 metres away from the venue of the meeting. At one point, when Tagor, one of the key suspects was talking, his voice looked more faded on the recording as if he was sitting far away from the tape or the recorder.

The above revelation comes weeks after the deposed Ben Ndego of the Narcotic Control Board said before the Georgina Wood Committee probing the saga of the missing drugs that he could not give the source of the recording to he committee because there is some foreign involvement in the recording.

Now fingers are pointing to the direction of the British intelligence as the source of the recording. It is recalled that the source of the controversial tape recording has been the bone of contention at the Georgina Wood Commission with Kofi Boakye saying that if they get behind the recording, we are most likely to know who raided MV Benjamin and spirited over 77 packet of cocaine.

First it was Ben Ndego who was said to have procured a five minute portion of the tape. Ben Ndego, the NACOB official who was made to go on leave following harrowing revelations concerning the missing cocaine told the committee that the tape was given to him by his boss, Col. Akuaku to be forwarded to an Ex-NACOB Chief, Mr. Agyarko.

Mr. Agyarko admits having a copy of the tape from Ndego but said that instead of giving it directly to the President, he passed it on to an unknown security whose name and rank we are not going to let you know. Colonel Akuaku has since appeared before the Committee and refused to either name who did the recording or from whom he obtained the tape. The Committee itself and The Crusading Guide as well as The Chronicle all say the tape was dropped in their offices by an unknown person.

The billion dollar question then is, does British intelligence have jurisdiction to carry out such operations without the consent of our National Security? Its a billion question.

Source: The Enquirer
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