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Manifesto Exposes NPP on Promises - CPP

Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Ghanaians election 2008 is just over 60 days away, and after much delay by the NPP and NDC, they have finally lunched their manifestos with the NPP and NDC launching over 2 months after the CPP.

The recent mammoth rally by the CPP at Kwame Nkrumah Circle has shown that Ghanaians have reconnected with the CPP, joining the parties in their numbers. Manifestos from the parties is viewed by many Ghanaians as a “ Contract with Ghana” and thus as the race between the CPP, NPP and NDC becomes even more keen it is essential that party promises do not get in the way when making a clear choice.

Party Manifestos must be carefully scrutinized by our journalists against the platform and rally promises.

The NPP is the incumbent government with all the advantages of incumbency. Promises made in recent months by its flagbearer Nana Akuffo Addo has become an issue for serious scrutiny, since the NPP outdoored its manifesto. Among the numerous promises made by Nana Akuffo Addo are:

• The construction of fifty thousand housing units per year at 20, 000 GH cedis per unit for the next 5 years. – Clause 4.4 of the NPP Manifesto dealing with Housing is silent on this promise.

• Build a factory in every district – i.e. more than 100 factories. – The NPP Manifesto is silent on this promise.

• Put on the streets 20,000 sanitation inspectors, per year for the next five years. - Clause 4.3.6 of the NPP Manifesto dealing with Preventive Medicine and Sanitation is silent on this promise.

• A public University in every region, and upgrade all existing universities - Section 4.1 of the NPP Manifesto dealing with Education is silent on this promise.

• To establish a modern airport that will make Tamale the gateway to the North. The NPP Manifesto is silent on this promise

• To create half-a-million jobs per year, (a million was promised at another forum) - Clause 3.1.10 of the NPP Manifesto dealing with Employment is silent on this promise.

The NPP manifesto would seem to expose the numerous promises by Nana Akuffo Addo as empty promises. Many Ghanaians are asking if these promises by Nana Akuffo Addo are an attempt to deceive them. – Please decide for yourselves, and review promises being made by the NPP against their Manifesto.

The NPP Manifesto apart from varying vastly with numerous promises by the NPP fails to address some of the most important issues confronting our nation:

For example - on education, the BECE has failed over 1 million of our children during the NPP years. The NPP offers no solution to parents of BECE failing children; indeed the CPP is the only party seeking to abolish the BECE to end the terminal nature of our current education system.

On Ghana’s Oil – the NPP ‘s position statement on this within their manifesto amounts to 6 lines compared to the CPP ‘s comprehensive proposals on the oil industry including the creation of 10 industries around oil. The NPP manifesto says nothing new on reversing the rise during their watch in the number of children who die before their first birthday, or the rise in the number of women who die in childbirth.

Many are saying that they will not be fooled by empty promises, that NPP and NDC have served their term and it is now the time for the CPP. They are all right because they recall the time in 2000, when Ghana had faced a near 20year rule of PNDC/NDC government. Ghana’s debt stood at $6billion, inflation had seen peeks and troughs, mostly high peeks, unemployment had risen sharply, and the gap between rich and poor had widened. Corruption was rampant. The NDC was viewed by many as a quasi military government, and the media were quick to dub their era as the era of “Shitocracy”.

The populace was ready in 2000 for change and that change was delivered to the NPP.

The unexpected nature of their win soon became clear for all to see – the HFC loan saga, the Hammersmith Hair Saloon loan saga, the rush to declare Ghana HIPC, legal blunders at the Attorney General’s department etc., “Bambagate”, “Bintimgate”, “Essekugate” and many numerous other minor “gates” made Ghanaians realize that their dream around the limited values many were prepared to gather round would not be delivered under an NPP Government.

Corruption had re-emerged even more rampantly in an indecently short period after the “positive change” election laced with biting arrogance.

The government of Ghana did not and has not demonstrated even handedness in operating the “rule of Law”, Government officials who are implicated in scandal are simply shunted aside instead of being charged , brought to a court of law to face the rigors of Ghanaian criminal justice. State officials who commit criminal acts are simply retired. Corruption continues today unabated and under the nose of Government. The high incidence of Ghanaian involvement in Cocaine trafficking and scandal demoralised and continues to shame many Ghanaians with the indignity of dogs sniffing every Ghanaian man, woman or child as they emerge through arrival halls.

Our beloved Ghana moved from “Zero Tolerance” to Zero Values. Ladies and Gentlemen fellow Ghanaians, eight years is enough, Ghana deserves better, Ghana deserves change, for change in itself is a solution to our crisis. The NPP has done its share, but there are many failings and many empty promises. Everyone Ghanaian now has a role to play to deliver Ghana from the shame of drug barons, cocaine smuggling MP’s and their protectors. A chance to bring back work, happiness, dignity - Support the CPP, Vote for the CPP. For a copy of the CPP’s plans for Ghana visit the Party website –

Forward Ever Communications Directorate – [email protected]

Source: communications directorate –