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'Many perceive the judiciary as biased and have no confidence in it' - Prof. Azar

Professor Stephen Kwaku Asare Azar Prof. Kwaku Asare

Sun, 10 Apr 2022 Source:

A biased judiciary is a threat to national security, Kan Dapaah

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Prof Azar wants judiciary to listen more and accept criticism

Civil society has a role to play in judicial reforms

Prof Stephen Kwaku Asare, alias Kwaku Azar, a US-based academic and social commentator has stated that many Ghanaians perceive the judiciary as biased and thus have no confidence in the institution.

According to him, the number of people who hold that opinion is growing but that there is a chance for redemption if the third arm of government is willing to listen and address constructive criticism.

His comments, posted on Facebook, were related to a recent pronouncement by the Minister of National Security, Albert Kan Dapaah, that the judiciary needed to ensure fair trial at all times.

Prof Azar wrote: "GOGO is pleased that the National Security Advisor has echoed its long held position that a judiciary that is perceived to be biased, inefficient, or ineffective is a threat to national security.

"Like it or not, many people perceive the judiciary as biased and have no confidence in it. Alas, the numbers are growing not shrinking," he added.

He proceeded to outline how he judiciary can help redeem that unpalatable image: "It is not a lost cause and the storyline can change if the judiciary listens to and addresses constructive criticisms...Academia and civil society too can help by prioritizing judicial reform. Timidity and false praises will not do!" he stressed.

Minister Kan Dapaah at a sensitization workshop for the judiciary earlier this week said the absence of effective justice delivery or delay in justice led to loss of trust in the judiciary system, leading to the citizenry taking the law into their hands.

He stressed that lawlessness remained a threat to internal security of the State and appealed to the judiciary to work to eliminate all forms of injustice.

“It is also important that domestic security challenges such as land disputes, chieftaincy, armed robbery and other criminal activities were resolved,” he added.

Read Prof. Azar's full post:

GOGO is pleased that the National Security Advisor has echoed its long held position that a judiciary that is perceived to be biased, inefficient, or ineffective is a threat to national security.

Like it or not, many people perceive the judiciary as biased and have no confidence in it. Alas, the numbers are growing not shrinking.

However, it is not a lost cause and the storyline can change if the judiciary listens to and addresses constructive criticisms, such as GOGO highlighted in its new year message.

Academia and civil society too can help by prioritizing judicial reform. Timidity and false praises will not do!

#SALL is the cardinal sin of the 8th Parliament.

Da Yie!
