









"Men of God" Fight Over Woman

Amponsah Wife Yirenkyi

Mon, 25 Jan 2010 Source: Daily Guide

Two men of God are at each other’s throat over a woman and the matter has been referred to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service. Prophet Nana Kofi Yirenkyi aka Jesus One Touch, leader of Jesus Blood Prophetic Ministry, was yesterday arrested over reports that he had inserted his fingers into the vagina of the second wife of Prophet Eric Amponsah aka Computer Man, head pastor of Hope Generation Ministry.

Jesus One Touch is a married man and DAILY GUIDE has laid hands on a secretly-recorded telephone conversation believed to be a romantic dialogue between him and the lady he was alleged to have fingered.

On the said recording, a male voice, believed to be that of Prophet Yirenki (Jesus One Touch), was heard speaking softly with the lady in question and asking her about the color of her panties, texture of the underwear, the position she was lying on bed and other unprintable remarks.

The lady responded, saying she was wearing white panties and a white nightwear. The pastor was also heard asking whether or not he would quiver and shake when he sees the contents of the said panties. The pastor again asked the lady to tell him “something” that would make him sleep.

Both pastors were known to be the closest of friends and their churches are located at Oblogo in Accra. The lady in question (name withheld for now) was reported to be the niece of Prophet Yirenkyi, the very man who reportedly abused her.

When DAILY GUIDE contacted Jesus One Touch over the matter, he claimed innocence and said it was a plot to frame him up. The Prophet said his star witness was the mother of the lady in question and that he was completely innocent.

When asked about the voice on the said telephone conversation, Jesus One Touch said he was driving and that the reporter should call him later because it was not safe to drive and talk at the same time.

The pastor whose wife was reportedly fingered, was quoted by Joy Fm as saying, “The man fingered her…the so-called pastor fingered her and then kissed her as well.”

According to him, Jesus One Touch invited the lady to receive an item but ended up kissing her and inserting his fingers into her vagina. He said the lady admitted the matter in the presence of his church members only after fervent prayers and fasting for God to expose his enemies.

Sources at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) headquarters told DAILY GUIDE the accused pastor was bailed at about 4.00pm yesterday and asked to report on Monday after he was detained at the station for close to eight hours. He was picked up after reports from the lady that she had been sexually abused and threatened with death by him.

The CID source disclosed that Jesus One Touch played a key role in facilitating the marriage between the lady and his Pastor friend but had since then maintained a close friendship with the lady.

The CID source said it turned out yesterday that Jesus One Touch and the lady were not directly related by blood but they only happened to have come from the same town.

Source: Daily Guide