









Mills Angry With Chief Of Staff

John Martey Newman 09

Mon, 16 Nov 2009 Source: The Catalyst

All is not well at the Osu Castle, the seat of government of the nation, as Information reaching The Catalyst newspaper has it that President John Evans Atta Mills is very angry with the Chief of Staff, Mr. John Henry Martey Newman, for his failure to ensure that Castle staff were paid their salaries over the past ten (10) months.

The Chief of Staff is reported to have been summoned by President J.E.A Mills to provide explanation for his failure to pay the workers, when Ministers had already started receiving theirs. According to impeccable sources at the Castle, when Ministers of State were appointed at the beginning of the term of this government, their salaries were withheld, apparently as an austerity measure to control expenditure and to assess the financial position of the nation.

Workers at the Castle were also included on the list of those whose salaries were withheld, the President John Evans Atta Mills himself inclusive.

Six months into the Mills administration however, Ministers began to receive their salaries. But unknown to the President, the situation remained the same for workers at the seat of government who never had their salaries paid to them since this government took office, even though they continued to work to schedule.

Against this backdrop, when the Crystal Clear Lens broke the news about the plight of the Castle staff last Friday, sources say the President Mills was so furious that he summarily summoned Mr. Newman to explain to him the rationale behind the denial of the salaries of the Castle staff.

His fury was heightened by the fact that Ministers and staff in order departments were enjoying the fruits of their labour without any problem, whilst his hardworking staff, most of whom went through hell with him in opposition, still remained unpaid for so long.

This paper's sources say Mr. Newman, who left the presence of the President totally embarrassed, quickly started the process which will ensure the payment of his staff, covering the period in question. Mr. Henry Newman's appointment as Chief of Staff by President Atta Mills triggered off much criticism from people who were of the view that he was not a known party faithful since the position of chief of staff is one that is expected to be reserved for a through and through party person.

His competence and incorruptible were however not in doubt. In spite of the criticism, President Mills stood his grounds and maintained him due to his faith in him. It is expected that the unfortunate condition would be rectified enough. Mr. Newman was once the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD). He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in History, from the University of Ghana, Legon in 1969 and obtained Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration in 1971 from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration.

Source: The Catalyst