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NCCE is totally ineffective in doing its work – Sam Okudzeto

Sam Okudzeto Lawyer1 Mr. Sam Okudzeto - Lawyer

Mon, 18 Jul 2016 Source:

A former President of the Ghana Bar Association and renowned lawyer, Sam Okudzeto has reiterated his chastisement of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for not doing their duty of educating the citizenry.

According to Mr. Okudzeto, several of the country’s public issues would be better resolved if the NCCE is up and doing.

Speaking on TV3’s ‘Eye On The Seat’ political program, the lawyer said “I have attacked them a thousand and one times that they are not doing their work. Some of them would say we don’t have resources but I say no, you’re making a mistake.

“You’re not meant yourself to put people on platforms, the people are around; the talent that this country has is incredible. We don’t use them, we just dump them.”

The discussion which drew his comment was on whether or not Ghana should work to adopt the November 7 date for voting or stay with the current December 7 day.

Co-panelist and former Chief of Staff, Nana Ato Dadzie on his part said a lot needs to be done to ensure that Ghana adopts the November 7 date instead of December 7.

Nana Ato Dadzie who is also a legal luminary expressed the frustration he and the then President Rawlings’s administration had to go through when they had to hand over to the Kufour administration in 2000 when the NPP government came into power.

Both highly respected lawyers backed the November 7 date adding that it would better suit the country and give ample time for both the outgoing government and the incoming one to both have a smooth transition devoid of tensions and acrimony.

Nana Ato Dadzie cited the American example which he said was seamless and called for a state institution to be set up to ensure that there is a national “inventory” database to take stork of all asserts to help during the transition period.

He also added that such an institution can effectively monitor which state assert has been procured, who is using it, its whereabouts at any point in time especially during a transition process to make it easier for any new administration to settle in without stress.

This according to him would also do away with the acrimony and political witch-hunting.
