









NDC Losing Media War?

Zita Okaikwei 06.09

Tue, 10 Nov 2009 Source: THE SUN

Painstaking investigations conducted by THE SUN has unearthed the fact that the ruling National Democratic Congress party (NDC) is losing the media war on all three facets of dissemination; the PRINT, TELEVISION ad RADIO.

Of the three networks, the losing of grounds on television appears minimal as compared to RADIO and the PRINT MEDIA which still appear to be the waterloo ground of the ruling party.

THE SUN discovered that there looks to be a shortage of out-and-out innately gifted resource persons of the Party, willing to exploit the various networks to the Party’s advantage.

“There seems to be the readiness to part with half-baked submissions and unreasonable statements that suggests the defenders of the Party’s ideals and government policies are not abreast of issues on the national table”, one sophisticated academic told THE SUN’S investigative team last week.

The paper also found out that aside the penchant for unsavoury talk exhibited occasionally by the Party’s activists particularly on radio, most contributors cited the director of Communications at the presidency Mr. Koku Anyodoho for deepening the mess a bit too much for comfort. THE SUN also discovered that contributors were concerned about clever couriers of government messages with that special ability to think much faster on their feet just like was the case during the period leading to the run-up to the General Elections.

Among the listed order of smart defenders were Ama Benyiwa-Doe now Central regional Minister, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo and Baba Jamal Eastern regional Minster and his deputy respectively, Johnson Asiedu Nketia Party General Secretary whose allegations of 17 THIEVES GOING TO ELECT THE CHIEF THIEF registered permanently in the last General Elections among a few others.

Now bogged down very much with executive work, contributors say they have left the job of defending government issues to a crop considered amateurish in several respects.

Among the new defenders are Fiifi Ankrah, Yamoah Ponkoh, Peter Bioamah Otokonor and a sturdy stream of others who lack the arithmetical and philosophical tangibles to explain away prickly government issues soundly.

One NDC defender Kouame Ametor who used to work as Features editor for GHANA PALAVER and most often came through so reasonably well as a panelist on political programmes, has only recently taken up an appointment with the Procurement Agency and is therefore almost certainly going to be missed for a long spell.

Most contributors hold the view that technically, inky gentleman Kobby Fiagbe of THE LENS has been left almost standing alone defending this and attempting to rectify that which does not augur well because, experience has it that fatigue made the puppy in the tale get into the messy business of a jaw-lock, when he attempted to answer two calls at once.

The study also unearthed the fact that the slow nature of the manner the ship of state was moving, calls for more defenders other than the lot listed, as well as the weakly efforts of the trio at the Ministry of Information namely substantive Minister Mrs. Zita Okaikoi and her deputies Okudzeto Ablakwa and Agyenim Boateng.

Contributors say when gifted orators with sharp memories come on board they should be able to water down flaying hearts of economic sufferers who continue to stare at the barrel of the unfavourable economic gun, now that Christmas is in the air.

However there were those of the number that held that these are early days yet but THE SUN has gathered yet again that whatever it is, it is always better to arrest a situation than to allow it to overrun one’s lines for after all, the early bird is always known in folkloric tales to have caught the worm for breakfast. THE SUN

Source: THE SUN