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NDC must bridge the gap between party and gov’t – Kofi Adams

Kofi Adams Gen Sec

Sat, 26 Jul 2014 Source: osibisa Radio/London

The Deputy General Secretary of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) Mr. Kofi Adams has called for a bridge in the gap between the party and the government to build a stronger bond, describing the seemingly disconnect as unhealthy for the future of the party .

Speaking to the hosts of the Policy Focus show on OSIBISA RADIO- LONDON, Mr. Kofi Adams, who is aspiring to become the next National Organizer of the NDC, said going up and down the country, you feel and sense some sort of frustration among NDC supporters, “Not because the government is not working, not because the government is not delivering, but simply because many of the party members do not fully understand and feel part of what the government is doing, a problem that cannot be limited to the lack of effective communication, but also the very way and nature the NDC party is organized at present”.

“...we in the NDC use to meet every 2 years or so to review our manifesto and get the ministers to brief the party on policies and explain to members how those policies fit well into the NDC manifesto, the basis upon which the members campaigned for the party, and that must be brought back into the NDC,” he said.

Explaining further, Mr. Kofi Adams said the NDC must also find a way of tapping well and deep into the human resource base of its members, and such party conferences could be a key to unearthing some of these talents. “Today, some of the best brains we have in the NDC are not being used because the party has not provided an opportunity and avenue to bring their talents on-board; it is very crucial we correct this error for a stronger NDC in the future”.

Kofi Adams said as the party’s National Organizer, one of the first things he will prevail upon his colleagues to do is to put in place an annual national delegate conference where Ministers and key government appointees and those in charge of the policy direction of the country will meet delegates to first explain to them the intended key policy initiatives and their implications. He said such a conference will provide for a proper interrogation of some decisions taken by the government by NDC members.

“The way I envisage this annual conference, it will bring on-board and together our members to debate policies and pass resolutions on these policies. The good thing for the government will be that, once we begin doing this as a party, I believe the government will carry with it the full backing of the entire membership of the party for its initiatives and I am sure members up and down the country will stand in defense of such policies anywhere and at any time”.

He further said, the NDC must not let its members feel as if they are only needed during elections. “Members must not feel like as though they are an election machine, the NDC was founded on the people’s power and we must do more as executives to carry our members up and down the country with us, this is one of the reasons I said, when I become the organizer of the party, I will move the office of the organizer to the grassroots and into the communities.”

Many callers who phoned into the talk show seem to agree with Kofi Adams. One caller who identified himself only as Kwesi said, “What Kofi is suggesting about the annual party conference is long overdue. Look, party executives come to the UK every year to attend the Labour party conference so why has the party not learned anything from the Labour party? He quizzed.

Mr. David Klutse who phoned into the show also said, “ We get frustrated when you know there are solutions we can suggest to the government to solve some of these problems which confronts us but there is no avenue to do that.

We cannot continue to belong to a party which does not and cannot tap into its quality human resource freely to develop Ghana, and the earlier the party thinks of something like that, the better it will be for all of us.”

In response, Mr. Kofi Adams said he is determined to work towards this annual conference concept when given the nod as the organizer of the party. “My brothers, I promise that will be one of my key issues I will be looking seriously into as the party organizer and making a strong case for it. It is my strong believe that this will help bridge the gap we see today between the party and the government”

He appealed to party members to have faith in President John Mahama, who according to him, is on course to deliver on the NDC manifesto promises. “The president is working very hard and on course to deliver on the promises we made to the people of Ghana in 2012, yes we have experienced some serious challenges but I can promise you the worse is over and you should begin to see the light which has long and always be at the end of the tunnel shining well through in the coming days and months.”

Source: osibisa Radio/London