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NDC will not contest 2016 election results; we've accepted it - Review Committee

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Mon, 6 Feb 2017 Source:

The National Democratic Congress’ (NDCs) Election Review Committee chaired by Prof. Kwesi Botchwey says, the party isn’t contesting the outcome of the elections and doesn’t propose to go on that road at all.

The party he said, has accepted the results of the elections and through that, it has enable a smooth transition from the out gone government to the new government.

He was clarifying the committee’s work which has been tasked to review and validate the reasons for the massive defeat of the party.

He said they are not going challenge but simply to avail themselves of the final conclusion form the Electoral Commission (EC) and any others.

''We are not preparing to go to court, the party has accepted the results and we still stand by it,'' he added. When asked if the committee will recommend for some NDC executives to be axed as some party supporters have said, he said, the duty of the committee is not aimed at making ''heads roll''.

He said, their mandate is to review what happened to make recommendations based on what they will gather from their work. The work he added is to prevent the blame game and hand pointing.

‘’One of the reasons why we are doing this is to understand what happened in the bid to avoid the onset of finger pointing and the blame game…We need to avoid that and in seeking to avoid that; by conducting a rigorous and scientific review, we are bidding to unite the party. If we didn’t do that and allow party members to go at each other, we will be destroying the party…Doing this exercise will have the intended consequence of helping us unite the party around our goals, around our mission as a social democratic party, and, help the party members focus on these fundamental things as supposed to tearing up one another,’’ he said.

Addressing the media on Monday February 6, 2017, he said they will try as much as possible to stay away from incrimination and will report on the truth.

''There maybe very well some who feel that, heads must roll and all the party's executives or some must go. We are not in that sort of business. If we go round and we find out of 300 executives, 200 of them- weeks before the elections and throughout the elections were found to be incapacitated, we will report that and let the party executives take the necessary decisions on what happens to party functionaries found to be incapacitated... But we will try as much as possible to stay away from incrimination. We will be inviting mainly factual and hopefully, honest views so we can unite the party.''

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