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NPP shreds Hassan Ayariga

Mr Hassan Ayariga Hassan Ayariga, presidential nominee of the All Peoples Congress

Thu, 6 Oct 2016 Source:

Members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Northern region have described the presidential nominee of All People’s Party (APC) Hassan Ayariga as a crook, thug who lacks moral and leadership qualities.

Mr. Ayariga has accused Nana of being too old to stay in his father’s house, adding that he should be tutoring politicians than engaging in serious politics.

But members of the party in Bawku which happens to be hometown of the presidential hopeful, have not taken kindly this comment describing the APC leader in uncertain terms.

At a press conference addressed by the party’s Deputy Secretary for Bawku Central Constituency Umar Sanusi Sheriff they used severally unprintable words to describe him aside challenging him to deny a litany of allegations.

‘He broke away from PNC to form his mushroom APC, a Party that has no Parliamentary Candidate in his hometown Bawku. For somebody who has always questioned the democratic credentials of Nana Akufo Addo to resign from a credible party like the PNC on a flimsy excuse, and not only that, but to go on and hire land guards to attack supporters of Dr Edward Mahama at the outskirts of Wa in the Upper West Region on their return from their party congress. What a shame,’ he said.

Mr. Sheriff further accused Mr. Ayariga of sneaking into Germany with other colleagues using a Burkinabe passport bearing the name Hassan Banse.

‘Anytime Hassan Ayariga attacks our Flag bearer then his actions inures to the benefit of the NDC. So how can such a person be described as a leader with respectable principles. We do not think so, and we know Hassan Burger as a crook who sneaked into Germany with our colleagues using a Burkinabe passport bearing the name HASSAN BANSE. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have enough evidence that Hassan Banse had to use our brothers’ ID card (Papers) to get a job in Germany in a Pizza joint. Now this is the reason why he could only prepare and sell Pizza when he returned to Ghana from German,’ he stated.

Read details of the statement


Welcome Address: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media and the General Public, we welcome you to this important press conference. We are grateful for your presence.

Introduction: This press conference is necessitated by the continuous attack on our Presidential Candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo by Hassan Ayariga of the APC whom we know as Hassan Borger and Hassan Banse for reasons we will soon disclose to you in the course of this press conference.

You were all witnesses to Hassan Ayariga’s disgusting behaviour during the 2012 IEA Presidential Debate when he exhibited such uncouth behaviour to the surprise of the audience. Just for a reminder, anytime our Flagbearer took his turn to answer questions from the Moderator of the program, it was then that Hassan had attacks of deliberate coughs. But when it was the turn of other candidates, particularly the NDC then Hassan’s cough will seize, and it became obvious that Hassan was programmed to disrupt our Flagbearer Nana Addo in his presentation.

And it became obvious also that Hassan Ayariga had assumed the role of the NDC’s sidekick. Tolerant as he is, our Flagberer was so calm and patient that even as we speak, Nana Akufo Addo has never uttered a word about Hassan Ayariga’s disgusting penchant for insulting him. Once again Hassan has assumed that role for his paymasters.

You will recall that a few weeks ago he made very disparaging statements about our Flagbearer, and therefore we the members of the NPP in the Bawku Central Constituency where Hassan comes from have had enough of his uncouth behaviour and are hereby telling him to shut up before we expose him for the whole world and Ghanaians to know the kind of crook that he is MORALITY AND LEADERSHIP: We will want to place it on record that as far as we the natives of Bawku know Hassan Ayariga, he lacks morality and leadership qualities.

If Hassan was a leader of principle he will not break away from the PNC merely because he lost the flagbearership race to Dr Edward Mahama. Ladies and Gentlemen, the hidden truth is that by losing the position to Dr Edward Mahama, Hassan has lost the opportunity to continue doing the bidding of his first party. He can no longer use the PNC for his parochial interest of insulting our Flag bearer for the benefit of his paymasters, and also to earn some pocket money.

That is the simple reason why he broke away to form his mushroom APC, a Party that has no Parliamentary Candidate in his hometown Bawku. For somebody who has always questioned the democratic credentials of Nana Akufo Addo to resign from a credible party like the PNC on a flimsy excuse, and not only that, but to go on and hire land guards to attack supporters of Dr Edward Mahama at the outskirts of Wa in the Upper West Region on their return from their party congress. What a shame.

This is the thug that we are talking about to you today. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media, is it not ironic for Hassan Ayariga, whose father went into exile after the overthrow of Dr Hilla Limanns administration by the PNDC, to now feel comfortable with the NDC which is an off-shoot of the PNDC.

Anytime Hassan Ayariga attacks our Flag bearer then his actions inures to the benefit of the NDC. So how can such a person be described as a leader with respectable principles. We do not think so, and we know Hassan Burger as a crook who sneaked into Germany with our colleagues using a Burkinabe passport bearing the name HASSAN BANSE. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have enough evidence that Hassan Banse had to use our brothers’ ID card (Papers) to get a job in Germany in a Pizza joint. Now this is the reason why he could only prepare and sell Pizza when he returned to Ghana from Germany.

And Hassan wants the whole country to believe his lies that he made his first million dollars at age 24. Who you trying to fool, Hassan? Ladies and Gentlemen, we are questioning Hassan Ayariga’s moral character and we challenge him to come out and debate us on what we are telling the whole country today. For us, it is important and a civil duty to expose Hassan Burger to the good people of this country and not to allow him to lie to Ghanaians anymore.

For those who have accessed his CV which is available on line, it indicates that he is married to one Anita with five children.

To know the moral bankruptcy of APC’s presidential candidate, we need to interrogate his marital and extra marital affairs. He married one white lady to enable him secure a document to live and work in Germany. He went out of his way to impregnate another white lady, an act that earned him his first divorce.

Then in 2004, he married one Fauzia from Bawku. It is customary in our part of the country, that a bride is accompanied by a sister or relative. Hassan Burger characteristically impregnated this lady that has accompanied the wife (name withheld for obvious reasons). No wonder he later divorced Fauzia and is now with Anita. We can assure you that Anita will not be his last victim. Even the circumstances under which he married Anita goes to expose how morally bankrupt he is.

For those who are still in doubt, we are asking Hassan Burger whether all his five children were from Anita as indicated on his CV. Family Care: Hassan Burger in his latest attack on Nana Addo said that Nana is still living in his father’s house at his age of 72. He claimed that he built his first house at age 24. As they say, the devil is in the detail. How could that be possible for somebody who built his own house the age of 24 but was still living in Alhaji Masa-ud house at age 30 when he returned from Germany.

For your information Alhaji Mas-ud is a native of Bawku based in Germany. It was not until 2004 that he built his house at Haatso in Accra. If you do the mathematics that will be after age 30, how can somebody who strives to be a president of this country exhibit such penchant for lies. We are saying that if Hassan ever gets an opportunity to be president of Ghana then Ghanaians will be in serious trouble.

So let’s beware of Hassan Banse. Please members of the press, challenge him to produce the documents to show that he owned a house at age 22. Then maybe he started building at age 22 and completed it in 2004 (at age 30 and above). Another lie.

Now the question of owning one million dollars at age 24, if we were to accept the claim that he owned one million dollars at age 24, then we must also come to the conclusion that Hassan Burger is highly irresponsible as a family man and cannot be responsible for the lives of over 25 million Ghanaians.

For somebody who commanded one million dollars at age 24, how come his mother until her death was only selling tobacco just to earn a living at the Bawku central market. The truth of the matter is Hassan Ayariga was born on 5/09/1971 as indicated on one CV and 1972 on another, travelled to Germany through Burkina-Faso.

He used a Burkinabe passport with the name Hassan Banse. He sought asylum with the name Banse in Germany and was later accommodated by Ibrahim Saana (Dapore) together with Imoro Denis all from Bawku. Saana gave Hassan his ID to work with in Germany; he worked as a cleaner at Ferma Vafuzmit before coming back home in 2001. He was selling Pizza on the streets of Garmany before he later started importing second hand bicycles and selling them at the Lapaz Station in Accra.

Any time Hassan returned home from Germany, he lived in his Grand father’s thatched house which is still the same since the Grand father built it in the Limann’s regime as an MP for Bawku Central. Since then Hassan has not been able to even renovate his father’s family house where the father lived until his demise. And such a person is questioning why Nana should still live in his father’s house at age 72.

Ladies and Gentlemen, during the 2012 IEA Presidential Debate, Hassan claimed that his mother was an educationist (Professional teacher) and was passionate about education.

But as far as we know in Bawku she did not even attend class one. Education and professional life: The second part of our press conference which comes later will focus on his educational and professional achievement. We will show to you and the rest of our country how he lied about all these credentials. We hope the electoral commission will do a back ground check as well as his CV which he submitted to them.

Conclusion: To conclude, ladies and gentlemen of the press, we are honored by your presence and we say thank you. To Hassan Ayariga we hereby serve him notice that anytime he attacks our flag bearer as he has been asked to do by his pay-masters, he will have us to contend with. A word to the wise is enough.

Yours faithfully,

Npp Bawku Central Constituency



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