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NUGS President Impeached

Fri, 10 Dec 2010 Source: --

NUGS President Impeached and REMOVED FROM OFFICE

The struggle of who leads NUGS is obviously tilted towards the General Secretary The Emergency Congress on held Saturday December 4, 2010, was duly organized in response to the unilateral decisions taken by the president and his lack of leadership qualities and his parochial bid to authoritatively run the run by his whims and caprices obviously in response to the orders of his pay masters. At the end of the Congress the following resolutions are were made: The impeached NUGS President unduly interfered in the leadership of University Students Association -USAG, which is a member block of the Union by stampeding the authority of the SRC presidents who took a decision he blatantly flawed.

The impeached NUGS President selfishly suspended two executives obviously with such disregard for the interest of students who converged at the last central committee meeting of the union. This he did with the motive that they do not share in his interest of vindictive politics, character defamation and propagation of party political ideology. How can the complainant in a case be the Judge in the matter? What display of arrogance of power traceable to ideologies whose locus have being questioned overtime here in Ghana and abroad. The impeached NUGS president also for fear and an attempt to hold on to power and its attendant corruption unilaterally formed a judicial board whose locus and bearing was quashed at the emergency congress. It is interesting the quashed judicial committee will embarrass itself with such comments that have only exposed their ill and errant display of naivety of the Nugs Constituiton a case students at the Central committee meeting argued for. The so called Judicial committee has being quashed and therefore could not be speaking for and on behalf of the Union. There is no where in the constitution of NUGS that we are told an elected executive Officer by congress of the union can be can be ask to step aside, even precedence have no hold on this matter. Abotsi is the 44th president of the union and should be told the hard truth! He must be guided by the tenets of the NUGS constitution! Now let us take into account the character called Abotsi This gentleman was the coordinator for the Easter Regional SRC and during his tenure the Council witnessed its demise till date due the display of arrogance and corruption in all level of his tenure. Till date the national union of Ghana students is still struggling to revive that block of the students front. Cases of corruption are uncountable. Again he assumed the reigns of leadership at the helm of the Ghana Union of Professional Student GUPS 08/09, a block under NUGS. What did we witness? He almost collapse of the union. This came to light when he asked his executive to declare support for the NEW PATRIOTIC PARTY candidate NANA ADDO of which the executives embarrassed him. He told them he was promised GHC 6,500 six thousand five hundred Ghana cedis. So who is playing partisan politics? Is it Abotsi or the others, certainly not! The likes of Anthony Karbo, Stephen Amoah, Sammy Awuku were visibly seen on the congress ground in WA gallivanting the streets of Wa and the school’s environs with impunity and display of arrogance to the demise of the students front! Who really is playing party politics here? We wish to remind them that the student front is more viable than even their so called wishes and leanings. During that year somewhere last year around this time, the stories of NUGS elections not having declared and former executives embarrassed themselves, it was at this time he was GUPS president, which mandates him by the constitution of the NUGS to be an automatic member of the National Executive Committee (NEC). If Abotsi would remember, he aided the now embarrassed NUGS former Secretary Billy Jones Owusu Yeboah and they refused to handover to the elected president WONDER MADILO claiming results of elections were not declared. Till date that NEC members have not handed over documents belonging to the Union. He is such a monster! The mention of names of government officials deliberately pushing the debate and his removal into partisan politics confirms his parochial agenda and the students of Ghana are very much aware! His incompetence and inadequacies have been exposed. Abotsi should wake up to reality. At the emergency congress was the presence of notable schools, can Abotsi tell the whole world how many institutions in NUGS support his cause? He claims the congress was illegal how did he get NANA ADDO and the party Chairman to call the VC of UG, legon to rescind the decision to host the emergency congress? It is embarrassing the manner in which he has clouded himself in the self deceit of party coloration and foot soldier ambitions. Never in the history of the union have we seen such polarization of issues and embarrassment at all fronts, clearly Abotsi lacks the competence and the drive to lead this great union. The involvement of the Police in his embarrassing allusions is demeaning and shallow, we believe the integrity of the Police command, the same Police that safeguarded his pay master now in opposition. Patrick Adonu takes over until fresh elections are held in 21 days.

PATRICK ADONOO Acting President

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